Here, kitty, kitty, kitty

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"So this is the country you have conquered in your past life,Your Majesty?" Coronaria asked

"Exactly, little flower!" Iskandar boomed, "Back in my time, Iran was once called the Persian empire, and once I conquered it, I adapted most of the Persian traditions because I was fascinated by it. The Persians call me Iskandar instead of Alexander, and that's how I got my name!" Coronaria's eyes widened and her wings fluttered, for she had barely heard of her master's conquests despite having served him for 1000 years. Iskandar let out a thunderous laugh at Coronaria's reaction, before slapping her on the back firmly enough to knock someone without his massive strength for a loop. He held her firm as he spoke to her in a deep, booming voice.

"You have served me for a thousand years, you have been the greatest gardener known to man. Yet you have still so much to learn about me!" he bellowed as he gave her another firm clap on the back, and he finally let her go, still chuckling.

"Come along! Let me show you more of the land I conquered!"

As they strolled through the streets, they came across different bazaars and shops. At the corner of his eye, Iskandar saw numerous flyers that showed the same thing. It said, "Lost cat:Has anyone seen it?" and a lady dressed in a black abaya and a niqab was sticking them onto the lampposts. She looked very worried.

"Coronaria. Stay here," Iskandar commanded. He then walked forward and approached the lady, his heavy footsteps making his presence very noticeable, before he began to speak. His deep, warm, and regal voice rang out, the sound of a man who was used to leading men into battles he knew they would win.

"What troubles you, fair one?" he asked with a warm smile on his face as he regarded her. Once the lady caught sight of Iskandar, she fell to her knees and clutched at his mantle. Even though Iskandar couldn't tell her expression through the niqab, he could understand that she was distraught.

"Oh, almighty king," she sobbed, "My name is Asma, and I can't find my Pearl!"

Coronaria's ears perked up, so Pearl was the cat's name. "You mean you can't find your cat named Pearl?" she inquired.

"Yes!" whimpered Asma, "I couldn't find her in my house when I returned home last night. What am I going to do? What a sad night I'll have all by myself!"

Iskandar reached down and offered Asma his massive hand, carefully and gently pulling her off of her knees and back onto her feet. His expression was serious, yet caring at the same time. His face remained warm and regal, no expression of irritation or annoyance on it. The massive man had a way with women, and he never did have trouble with comforting or charming the fairer sex.

"Tell me more of your beloved Pearl," he answered with a warm tone, "What does she look like? Where was she last seen? I shall assist you in locating your lost companion."

Still sobbing, Asma pulled out a picture of her cat. Coronaria looked at it and saw that Pearl had beautiful, lustrous white fur and dazzling blue eyes, which was the reason why it was named that way. Iskandar examined the picture of the cat, his eyes filled with focus. He carefully looked at the image, committing it to memory. He gave a firm nod, and then looked at Asma.

"I will find your lost companion for you, fair one! Come with me. We shall search together."

Iskandar gave the woman a firm pat on the back, nearly knocking the wind out of her, yet he held her firm on her feet with his large hands. He let go of the woman for a moment, before motioning for Coronaria to follow him. Without hesitation,Coronaria spread her wings and took off, determined to help Asma find the cat. Iskandar and Coronaria searched every nook and cranny in the streets, but they have found anything yet. Just then, Coronaria found a small set of paw prints, and she quickly informed her master about it.

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