The Russian ballet blackmail

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Iskandar and Coronaria have arrived in Russia, the largest country in the world. They have a destination in sight: The Bolshoi Theatre, the legendary home of Russian classical ballet. The two have decided to watch Swan Lake,a ballet composed by the great Tchaikovsky himself. Even though Coronaria knew that the ending was going to be tragic,she loved the music and ballet techniques.Iskandar's huge frame filled the seat of the theater, one massive leg crossed over the other while they waited for the curtain to rise. In the seat next to him, the tiny Coronaria could barely reach over the armrest. The Macedonian king was wearing a set of jeans that were, frankly, a bit too tight, and a t-shirt that was far too small, but he seemed completely unconcerned about it.

He glanced at his companion, a smile on his handsome, bearded face. "You are looking forward to this, right?"

"Yes,Your Majesty," Coronaria replied with excitement in her eyes, "Imagine listening to my favorite classical pieces all in one ballet performance...that feeling is pure bliss."

Once the curtain raised, the ballet dancer playing the role of Prince Siegfried appeared on the stage, alongside a few female dancers who played the role of the swans. Coronaria could recognize the female dancer with a crown must be the one playing the swan queen Odette.Iskandar chuckled lowly under his breath, watching the dancers move along to the music. The ballerina playing the role of the Swan Queen caught his eye, and he gave a low whistle under his breath. He liked the looks of her.

"That one is not bad." He said, a bit of a teasing tone in his voice. "Quite the looker, that one." Coronaria rolled her eyes with a wry smile when her master looked at Svetlana Zakharova,the ballerina who played Odette the swan queen with anticipation. She knew that even though he was already married to Roxana,he couldn't stop himself from looking at pretty women, which reminded her of Zeus.

Iskandar continued to watch the ballerina dancing across the stage, his gaze fixed on her, his chin in his palm as his eyes followed her every move. He really seemed to appreciate the beautiful form and the movements the ballerina was making as she moved across the stage, a wide grin on his bearded face. After a moment, he glanced back at Coronaria once more.

"Very nice," He said, his voice almost a little dreamy. "That's a well-trained body right there. I wonder where she learned her moves..."

"Hmm...she must have gone through some intense training," pondered Coronaria, "From what I have known,Your Majesty,Russian ballet dancers go through spartan training every day in order to perfect their moves." Once she had finished her words, the first act of Swan Lake ended and the intermission began.Just then,they heard a commotion coming from outside the theatre. Iskandar and Coronaria flew outside and saw a worried looking man in a suit looking at his phone. Coronaria recognized him as Makhar Vaziev,the director of the Bolshoi ballet company.Iskandar raised an eyebrow, and walked up to Makhar Vaziev. The Macedonian king's huge, imposing presence was hard to miss, and the Director turned to face him, looking a bit anxious.

"What is the matter, sir?" Iskandar asked, his deep voice booming. "What is troubling you so?"

Once Makhar Vaziev caught sight of Iskandar,he broke down into tears. "Oh,Your Majesty,you must help us," he bawled, "When first act ended,I received anonymous message saying that I have to make ballet have happy ending or else ballet will not commence!" Coronaria knit her brow when she heard what he said. Even though she, too, wanted the ballet to have a happy ending instead of a tragic one,who would go through great lengths to blackmail the director?

Iskandar's expression darkened, and he looked quite serious. He placed a reassuring hand on Makhar Vaziev's shoulder, and looked towards Coronaria.

"Did you hear that?" he asked her. "Some fool thinks they can ruin the performance by blackmailing the director. Ridiculous."

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