The rare bird quest

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After the wild bungee jumping experience at the Auckland Harbour Bridge,Iskandar and Coronaria are now in the jungles of New Zealand,hoping to find a kiwi bird.

"It seems that there are no snakes here," muttered Iskandar as he looked around.

"Well,Your Majesty," explained Coronaria, "Because New Zealand is so geographically isolated, it prevents the natural colonization of snakes."

"So what dangerous creatures are there?"

"Sandflies that suck your blood..." But before could finish her words,Iskandar comically fainted as the mention of sandflies made him recall the time he died of malaria,despite the fact that he is now immortal.

"Your Majesty!Speak to me!" Coronaria shrieked with concern.

"I'm fine,Coronaria,I just freaked out a bit," muttered Iskandar.The massive man got back up, looking a bit embarrassed after fainting. He cleared his throat and patted himself off, as if pretending it had never happened and began walking once more through the jungles of New Zealand, keeping his eyes out for a specific kind of bird.

"So, these Kiwi birds... What do they look like again?"

"Kiwis are flightless birds with brown hair-like feathers," Coronaria explained confidently, "There are five recognised species, four of which are currently listed as vulnerable, and one of which is near threatened. All species have been negatively affected by historic deforestation, but their remaining habitat is well protected in large forest reserves and national parks." As a nymph born from nature,she's not just knowledgeable about plants,but animals as well.Iskandar's eyes widened slightly with wonder, as the nymph explained the Kiwi bird. He was not very intelligent, preferring to trust those who possessed far more knowledge than himself. The idea that there were multiple species of this bird amazed him, as he had assumed there to be only one.

"Wow... five species. All look the same I assume, but they all are slightly unique right?"

The giant man scratched his beard as he thought, taking her words of habitat conservation to heart, a small smile on his face.

"So, how are we to find one?"

"The best chance to spot them is shortly before sunrise and right after sundawn,Your Majesty," Coronaria replied calmly, "Since kiwis are quite shy birds,we must be very quiet..."


A jeep drove past them before Coronaria could finish her words. Iskandar could see a few saws on the back of the jeep,and he frowned since he knew some loggers were up to no good. Coronaria clenched her fist as she thought it was so unfair that some humans would dare to destroy the world they're born in.Iskandar frowned somewhat at the implication that loggers might be in the area, taking the nymph's clenched fist as a sign that she was feeling the same way about it.With one hand on his hip, the giant man looked around, trying to figure out where the jeep could have gone.

"Hmph. I don't much like the idea of loggers being in these woods. Perhaps we should go see what they're doing?"

"Precisely,Your Majesty," Coronaria replied with a serious expression, "We can't let them cause havoc."

Coronaria spread her wings and took flight,following behind Iskandar,who was sprinting after the jeep at a high speed.They continued to chase the jeep for several minutes, until finally the vehicle could be seen stopping in a secluded part of the forest.

A moment later, several men wearing work uniforms and carrying axes and chainsaws came into view, cutting down a large, healthy looking tree.Iskandar quietly crept up on the logging site, hiding behind bushes and trees so that he would not be seen. He pulled Coronaria into his hood, knowing she would not like the sight of workers cutting down the trees.

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