A drunken bet

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"Guten tag,viewers!" Iskandar cried out while he was live-streaming, "I am now in the German city of Munich with my royal gardener Coronaria,the red anemone nymph.Today, I am going to try some authentic German beer.Let's hope that I won't get drunk." Coronaria,on the other hand,waved at the camera with a blush.The viewers started to comment things like "Show us how much you can drink!" and "Take care of yourself!" Iskandar beamed, slinging his large arm around Coronaria and pulling her against his side. He was a massively huge man, and could easily wrap his entire arm around her midsection and lift her off the ground, forcing her to stand on her toes. The nymph was small by comparison, about 2 metres shorter than him, and looked so delicate on his side. He flashed his winning smile and gave the camera the signature wave, before addressing his viewers.

"Now then, let us go in, and have some refreshments!" he hollered.Even though Coronaria appreciated her master's passion,she was still a bit worried about him.She downloaded the Uber app so she could call a car just in case if he passed out.She followed her master as he strode into a pub full with people.Two minutes later,a giant mug of beer was served on the table.Coronaria looked at the sparkling glass of beer with curiosity and asked Iskandar, "May I drink some of that,Your Majesty?"

"No,nymphs are not supposed to consume alcohol.It's not safe for you," Iskandar replied sternly while pulling the mug away from her.He wasn't being rude,he just didn't want anything bad to happen to Coronaria,considering the fact that he was her father figure.He chugged the entire mug of beer down and asked the bartender for more.Just then,a burly man in lederhosen walked over to Iskandar.He had blond hair and blue eyes,and he looked very confident.

"Hey,you!I have heard you were quite the drinker!But could you beat me?" he yelled. Coronaria looked at him and saw a tag on his chest,which read "Jerome Steiner".She then looked at the hall of fame in the pub and saw his picture on it.It appeared that this Jerome Steiner was the one who held the record of most glasses of beer drunken at a single go without passing out.Iskandar turned to face Jerome, and saw the man's challenge. He was a fairly big man, quite tall and broad himself, but still nothing in compared to Iskandar's sheer mass and size. The Macedonian king smirked, and placed his mug firmly down on the bar as he looked at the man in lederhosen with a competitive glint in his eyes.

"Very well, I will take on your challenge!" he boomed, "If I couldn't drink more than you, I will buy all of your drinks for the next month! Do you accept that?"

"Challenge accepted," Jerome snickered, "I can't wait to see you faint."

"Your Majesty!" cried Coronaria in alarm, "Are you sure you wanted to do this?"

"Fear not,Coronaria!" laughed Iskandar, "I am sure I can handle this.You have seen me drinking barrels of mead during extravagant banquets in my palace a long time ago,right?So you don't have anything to worry about." He then looked at Jerome with a smirk, folding his strong arms over his chest.

"I have drank an entire barrel of mead in a drinking contest against the finest warriors of Thessaly. You are a mere mortal, you are no match for me," he boasted.

"We shall see,Greek man," Jerome declared as he started to order his first glass of beer.

"Get the camera ready,Coronaria," Iskandar commanded as he shoved his phone into her tiny hands.Coronaria obeyed without hesitation and started recording.She knew that ever since her master was brought back to life and made immortal by her mother,Mother Nature,he had started his career as a streamer on social media and YouTuber.She watched as her master and Jerome chugged down one glass of beer after another,spellbound.She knew that Iskandar's endurance was strong,but Jerome's was not that bad either.The viewers were commenting "Go,Your Majesty!" and "Beat him!" in the comment section.

The glasses of beer kept coming, and Iskandar took them all down with ease. He was a true champion of this 'game', and his competitive nature was in full force now. He would not lose to this mortal man, who was beginning to stumble at the sheer amount of drinks being slammed down his throat. Iskandar, however, was completely unphased, his big frame unflinching for each drink he imbibed. Not a drop splashed off of him, nor did he even have to stop to catch a breath or wipe his mouth.By the end of the two hour-long bout of drinking, Jerome was slumped over the counter, barely conscious and mumbling incoherently. Meanwhile, Iskandar was still sitting on his stool, completely unfazed and without a single sign of intoxication aside from his bright cheeks. He chuckled, looking a bit smug and rather pleased with himself as he looked down at the beaten challenger at his side, who had clearly lost the battle of drinking.

"Well done,Your Majesty!" cheered Coronaria, "You have..."


"Oh dear..." muttered Coronaria as she saw Iskandar collapsed to the floor. Good thing that she had called an Uber car,though.

When Iskandar came to,he was lying on his bed in the hotel room,with his limbs sprawled open like a starfish.

"Your Majesty!Your Majesty!Thank goodness you're alright!"

Coronaria's tinkling voice rang in his ear.She was hovering above him, and her lavender eyes were filled with concern.Iskandar groaned and blinked his eyes a few times as he came to, his head pounding from the amount of alcohol he had consumed. He lifted his head to look at his nymph companion, seeing her hover above him with concern. The great Macedonian king smiled, placing a giant hand on her thigh and petting her gently to reassure her that he was fine.

"Yes,my lovely Coronaria, I am fine. Your king just got a bit carried away tonight..."

"You were out cold for 10 hours,Your Majesty," Coronaria sobbed, "When you didn't wake up after 2 hours,I nearly freaked out." Her wings were quivering with fear as she knelt on the bed where Iskandar had been sleeping on. Iskandar's huge palm continued petting his companion gently, caressing her wings gently as he comforted her. He reached out with his other hand and placed it on her head, giving her hair a few pats to reassure her that he was indeed okay. Seeing her wings quake in fear sent a pang through him, knowing that he caused his poor little nymph to worry about him to such a degree caused him to feel a bit guilty. Iskandar let out a chuckle.

"I apologize for worrying you, my dear Coronaria. I just got a bit carried away in my desire to claim victory in the drinking contest..."

"Will you promise me not to do such things again?" whimpered Coronaria.

"I promise,my dear little flower," Iskandar soothed while hugging Coronaria, "As your master and father figure,I will set a good example for you,just like what I promised your mother." Coronaria, of course, was very susceptible to Iskandar's comforting actions and soothing voice. After he hugged her close, and promised to be a good example for her, she pressed her petite frame against his chest and wrapped her tiny arms around his huge neck.This made Iskandar pull her even closer against his hard, well-muscled chest. He smiled, and gently patted her back with his huge hand as he continued to comfort the frightened nymph in his embrace.He then crossed out Germany on the world map and decided on where to go next.

"By the way,about the livestream..." muttered Iskandar, "Did any of the viewers see me faint?"

Coronaria looked at the phone and saw that comment section was filled with comments like "Oh no!" and "Is he dead?I hope not!"

"Unfortunately,Your Majesty...Yes," she murmured with a blush.Iskandar groaned and facepalmed with his huge palm. Of course, he would get ridiculed online for being defeated via blacking out. He would definitely get teased and made fun of. But, he had no one to blame but himself for getting himself into this situation.

"Oh dear...I have a feeling my pride will take a blow for this one, huh?" he lamented.Coronaria smiled wryly and shook her head at the situation as she ended the livestream.Looks like she and her master needed a lot of time to forget about this embarrassing incident.

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