Our son

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The air was alive with the sounds of celebration as all of Ithaca rejoiced at the birth of the new prince. Laughter and music echoed through the palace halls, but in the quiet of the bedchambers, there was only peace and joy.

Odysseus stood by the bedside, his eyes fixed on the tiny bundle in Penelope's arms. His heart swelled with pride and love as he gazed at his son. 

"He's perfect," Odysseus whispered, reaching out to stroke the infant's cheek. His voice was thick with emotion and his hands trembled slightly. "Our son, our Telemachus." 

Penelope looked up at Odysseus,  her eyes shining with tears of happiness. "He has your bravery," she said softly. "and your spirit."

Odysseus leaned down, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead. "an he has your beauty and kind heart," he replied, his voice full of reverence.

They marvelled at the miracle they created. Odysseus couldn't take his eyes off his son, feeling a profound sense of responsibility and love. He thought of the man Telemachus would become and vowed to protect him with every fibre of his being.

Outside the celebration continued but within the sanctuary of the bedchambers time stood still. Penelope and Odysseus were lost in their own world in the warmth of their love and the new life they brought into it.

"Do you remember the first time we spoke of having children?" Odysseus asked.

Penelope smiled, "We were walking on the beach, dreaming of the future. You promised me a home filled with love."

"And now it's real." Odysseus said, a sense of wonder in his voice. "Our dreams have come true."

Penelope looked down at Telemachus. "He will grow up knowing he is loved, he will know the strength of his father's arms and the warmth of his mother's embrace."

Odysseus nodded. "He will know he is our everything."

He pressed another kiss to Penelope's forehead and one to Telemachus' tiny hand. "I will always protect you both." he vowed, his voice determine yet gentle.

Penelope leaned into Odysseus. "An I will always be by your side." she promised.

But just as they are settling into a new found peace, a sudden commotion erupted outside the palace. The heavy thud of horse hooves and clanking of armour broke the tranquility.

The doors to the bedchambers burst open and in strode Agamemnon and Menelaus, their faces grim. The atmosphere in the room shifted instantly. The warmth replaced by a bitter cold. 

"Odysseus of Ithaca." Agamemnon said urgently. "Helen of Sparta has been taken by Paris of Troy. I'm afraid war is upon us."

Penelope's grip tightened on Odysseus' hand, her eyes wide in fear and disbelief. "No." she whispered, her voice breaking. "Not now, not when we just started our family."

Odysseus' jaw clenched, a fierce conflict raging within him. He looked down at Telemachus, then at Penelope. The weight of his duty pressing heavily on his shoulders. 

"I swore an oath." he said quietly. "I must go."

Penelope shook her head, tears streaming down her face. "Odysseus, please...." she begged. In her arms Telemachus stirred awake. 

Agamemnon stepped forward. "There is no time for delay, Greece's fate rest on our shoulders."

Odysseus turned to Penelope. "I will return to you." he promised. "I will come back to you and our son." 

Penelope remained quiet as Telemachus fussed quietly. 

Odysseus took Penelope's face in his hands. "By the time Telemachus has grown into a man and I'm not back. You must remarry." he said, his words sounding heavy. "You deserve to be happy, to be loved." 

"Odysseus, please." Penelope begged, her voice choked with emotion. "Don't talk as if you won't return. I can't bear it."

With a final lingering kiss, Odysseus pulled away, his heart breaking with each step as he join Agamemnon and Menelaus.

As the men left the room. Penelope clutched Telemachus tightly, her heart filled with a mixture of hope and despair. She held onto Odysseus' promise, praying for his safe return, 

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