His name

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"Wait!" Penelope called out. "Before you go, what will we name our son?"

Agamemnon and Menelaus stood at the doorway, their expressions impatient and respectful. Odysseus turned to face Penelope and their newborn son. 

"Telemachus." Odysseus said softly.

"Telemachus." Penelope repeated, the name rolled off her tongue like a promise.

Menelaus, standing just behind Agamemnon, murmured under his breath. "Distant War, fitting name."

Odysseus glanced dangerously at Menelaus but he turned back to Penelope, his expression tender. "He will know his father fought  for a better future."  he said. 

Penelope nodded. "Telemachus." she whispered again, holding him close. "He will be our strength." 

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