You must go

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In the years since Odysseus left for Troy. Penelope had faced many challenges. She managed Ithaca in Odysseus' absence, raising Telemachus and fending off the suitors who sought for her hand. 

One particular day the suitors had become a threat to Telemachus. Rumours had reached Penelope that Antinous planned to drown her son, seeing him as an obstacle.

She summoned Telemachus to her chambers, her heart heavy with her decision. As he entered she saw a reflection of Odysseus.

"mother, you called for me?" Telemachus asked.

Penelope took a deep breath. "The suitors grew more dangerous and I fear we are in a grave danger. They plot against you."

Telemachus' eyes widened with anger. "I will fight them. I will kill them."

"No you won't." Penelope scolded. "You must leave Ithaca. Go to Sparta and find King Menelaus. Seek news of your father."

"I can't leave you with those men." Telemachus protested. "They are dangerous." 

"I can handle them Telemachus. Your safety is paramount. Trust me." 

"Promise me you'll be careful."

"I promise, now go quickly and quietly. The fewer who know of your departure the better." 

Telemachus embraced her and Penelope felt pride and sorrow as she held her son. 

With Telemachus gone, Penelope devised a plan to buy more time, to keep the suitors at bay until Telemachus returned.

That evening Penelope stood before the suitors in the courtyard, her expression composed. "I have made a decision." she announced. "I will choose a husband among you but not until I have weaved a shroud for Odysseus. It is my duty as his wife to honour him if he is dead."

The suitors grumbled but agreed, believing Penelope was finally giving in to their demands. Little did they know that every night she unravelled the shroud that she wove during the day.

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