My Beloved Penelope

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My Beloved Penelope,

From the Trojan shores, I write to you with a heart full of longing. The war rages on, a relentless force, but my thoughts are ever with you and Telemachus. It's the image of  our family that gives me strength to keep fighting.

I can't begin to describe the trials we endure here. It's hard to catch a break in this relentless cycle of battles. Yet, in the midst of it all it's your face in my dreams that anchors me. I hear your voice in the wind and it brings me peace. 

Telemachus must be growing into a fine, young boy. I can almost see him, running around Ithaca, his laughter echoing in the palace halls. It pains me deeply to be away from him, to miss his first steps, first words. Please tell him that I think of him everyday.

I know the suitors press you and the thought of them in Ithaca fills me with anger but I also know your strength, Penelope. You are the heart of our home, I find comfort in knowing you stand resolute. 

The sea between us is vast but it can't diminish the love I have for you. The thought of our reunion is my guiding star, leading me through the fierce battles. Hold tight my love. For I am determined to return to you and our son. 

I yearn for the day when I can embrace you. Until that day, I send you all my love and strength. Keep faith my Penelope, as I keep faith in us.

Yours always,


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