I'm here for you

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Penelope clung to the wooden bedpost, her body wracked with pain as another contraction gripped her. Her knuckles turned white with the effort of holding on and sweat beaded on her forehead. Anticlea, Odysseus' mother, hovered nearby doing her best to comfort Penelope, but there was an underlying tension between the two women. 

"You're doing well, Penelope." Anticlea said softly, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

Penelope bit her lip, trying to focus on the encouragement. Despite Anticlea's kind words she could sense the older woman's apprehension. Penelope knew that Anticlea's presence was both a blessing and a source of stress; she wanted to be the perfect daughter-in-law but she feared she was falling short. 

A deeper fear gnawed at Penelope, one she couldn't say aloud: what if she gave birth to a daughter? She knew the exceptions placed upon her. Anticlea's pride in a male heir to continue the family's legacy was palpable. Penelope feared the disappointment that would shadow the joy of birth if her child was a girl. 

"Anticlea." Penelope gasped, trying to catch her breath between contractions. "Was it... was it this terrible for you? when you had Odysseus?"

Anticlea paused, her eyes softened. "When I had Odysseus. I was scared. The pain was intense and unbearable. Its never easy, Penelope." she said gently.

Penelope looked up. "How did you manage?" 

Anticlea gave a small smile. "I focused on the love I felt for my child. I knew that pain would pass and in its place there would be a new beginning. It gave me strength."

Seeing Penelope's discomfort, Anticlea moved to help her. "Come, let's get you into bed." She offered her hand. Penelope took it and with Anticlea's assistance, she eased herself. onto the bed, lying back against the pillows. 

"You're doing good, Penelope." Anticlea said, using a cloth to wipe the sweat from Penelope/s brow.

Penelope nodded, trying to absorb Anticlea's kind words. Another contraction hit and she gripped the blanket tighter, her body trembling with pain. "I just.... I just want to be strong enough." she whispered, tears welling in her eyes.

"You are strong, Penelope." Anticlea said firmly, squeezing her shoulder. "Stronger than you know and you already are enough." 

"Thank you Anticlea." Penelope managed to say through gritted teeth.

Anticlea's expression soften slightly. "we're family, Penelope. I'm here for you."

The words were comforting but Penelope felt she had much to prove-to herself, to Anticlea, to Odysseus and to the Kingdom of Ithaca.

"Penelope." Anticlea said gently. "I know this is hard for you. I know you worry what I think but believe me, I see you strength and your love for Odysseus. You are already more than enough."

Penelope's eyes met Anticlea's. For a moment that tension eased replaced by a shared understanding.

Penelope took a deep breath. "Thank you." she whispered.

"I'm here for you." Anticlea repeated and this time Penelope truly believed her.

Just then, the doors burst open and Odysseus hurried in, his eyes wide with concern. Anticlea immediately turned to him, her face a mask of irritation. 

"Odysseus! where have you been?!" she scolded. "Your wife needs you here and you were off with the other kings!"

Odysseus looked sheepish, running a hand through his hair. "I know mother. I'm sorry. They pulled my away to discuss important matters. I came as soon as I could."

Penelope, despite the pain, gave her husband a small smile. "Odysseus." she said softly yet firm. "You have impeccable timing as always."

Odysseus rushed over to Penelope's side, taking her hand in his. "I'm here now. I'm so sorry for being late."

She squeezed his hand, a playful glint in her eyes despite her exhaustion. "You always find a way to make an entrance, don't you?"

He chuckled softly, leaning into kiss her. "I'll try to be more punctual next time."

Penelope sighed relived. "I'm just happy you're here now."

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