My Dearest Odysseus

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My Dearest Odysseus, 

As I sit at my loom, weaving and unravelling the threads of our lives. I find my thoughts endlessly drifting to you. The loom is my solace, a rhythm that keeps me tethered to hope, yet it is also a reminder of the time that stretches between us. Each thread I weave carries my longing and each night I unravel it, whispering prayers for your safety and swift return. 

Ithaca remains much the same, although your absence does not go unnoticed. Telemachus grows more curious by the day. He has your eyes Odysseus and your spirit. I see you in him and it brings me comfort. Often he asks me about you and I tell him stories of your bravery, wisdom and love. He dreams of the day he will meet you.

The suitors continue their pursuit. They are relentless but they do not know the strength of our love. I remain steadfast, my heart unyielding for I know you will return to us.

I hold onto the memories of our shared dreams under the stars. Those moments give me strength. I can feel you in the wind and hear you in the waves. It's like the island waits for your return as eagerly as I do.

My love, stay strong and hold onto the thought of our reunion. The world may be uncertain and the war long but my faith in you is unwavering. I dream of the day when you walk through the palace doors, when your arms hold me and we can be a family again.

Until then, know that you are ever in my heart. Return to me, my Odysseus and let us finish the story we started together. 

Forever yours, 


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