A few days after being all but coerced by Mrs. Yun into coming inside for tea after she interrupted her and Hou's makeout session, Jade was in her room relaxing on one of her days off from training that week, scrolling through memes on her phone. Baihe was in there as well, practicing with his combat ribbon. The two were just relaxing together in their own ways.
After several minutes of scrolling, Jade let her attention wander from the memes and watched with fondness as Baihe happily twirled the scarlet ribbon through the air, a small but warm smile on her face. It took a few moments, but eventually Baihe noticed her watching and stopped his dance. He sighed nostalgically and gave Jade a fond smile.
"You know, my father used to make that exact same expression whenever he saw me dance as a child.", Baihe said, a slightly distant look in his eyes as he recalled his childhood memories. Jade tilted her head at him curiously.
"Oh?", she said. Baihe nodded and sat down on the bed beside her, gazing at his lover with warm yellow-green eyes as he twirled his ribbon around Jade and used it to pull her closer to him by wrapping it around the back of her head. Jade didn't resist and smirked widely at his actions. Baihe reached out a hand to caress her face.
"Yep. It reminds me of when I was a little boy. Back then, I would have done anything to make my father happy.", Baihe mused wistfully. Jade raised an eyebrow at him and leaned into his touch.
"'Back then'? You mean you wouldn't do anything to make him happy now?", Jase questioned teasingly. Baihe chuckled and shook his head at her amusing attempt to twist his words.
"Oh no, I didn't mean that. What I meant was that I don't have to do anything to make my father happy anymore, since he's already happy. And besides... ", Baihe trailed off in a sultry voice as he gently pressed Jade back onto the bed, much to the girl's visible glee.
"I have someone new to focus my efforts on making happy~.", Baihe purred as he loomed over the girl he had fallen in love with. Jade grinned at him like she was a kid on Christmas morning. She liked where this was going.
"Then what are you waiting for? By all means, start focusing your efforts.", Jade insisted, and that was all the encouragement Baihe needed to lean even closer to the girl under him.
"With pleasure~.", he whispered seductively into her ear. Jade shivered at the sensation, and Baihe started kissing down her ear to her neck and collarbone. Jade squirmed on the bed and moaned breathlessly as Baihe's soft lips and tongue made quick work of her sensitive skin. Soon after he began his task, Jade's hands found their way into his downy light green hair. She ran her fingers through the long tresses, taking care not to mess up the two lilies clipped on either side of her lover's head.
'God, this feels nice. I don't think I ever want it to stop.', Jade thought to herself as she bit her lower lip to hold in a particularly loud moan when Baihe nipped at the skin on her neck with his teeth.
But then the hazy fog of pleasure seemed to clear when she realized something odd; this was the first time Baihe had ever given her a hickey. And not because he never had the chance, because this wasn't the first time he and Jade had had 'sexy fun time' as she liked to call it. They had made out dozens of times since they had gotten together, and the same could be said for the rest of the Five. Baihe had just never used his teeth when they were making out, plain and simple.
Jade never thought much of it. She just assumed that it was because he was too shy to leave behind visible marks as proof of their actions or something. But that argument was quickly being proved defunct as Jade started to feel light headed. And not in the 'oh my God this feels so good' type way. No, it was in the 'oh God I think someone slipped something in my drink' type way.

The Tales of the Dragon Warrior
FanfictionHuman!AU, SI-OC. Jade had always been a weird kid, and not in the 'I'm not like the other girls' way. It had kept her from making friends most of her life, so she spent her time practicing karate religiously, being a slut for Bruce Lee movies, and h...