Chapter 27: Pretending Nothing Happened

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Rocco's POV: 

I watch as Talia walks up the stairs, I ignore my brothers and walk out of the house and to my motorbike

I race out of the driveway and speed down the roads everything seems like a blur

I find going as fast as I can on my motorbike makes me feel like I am on top of the world, like nothing hurts anymore

I never wanted to push Talia away like I do but I refuse to let her in, the last time I did that she left and I was left with nothing but the memories of her

I will never let myself become that weak or vulnerable again, I do love her I really do but I make myself pretend I don't 

When I found out at the hospital about the extent of her condition I knew it was all my fault

If I just tried harder to make mom stay then Talia would have never gone through this

If I held onto Talia tighter then maybe she still would have been here


A small 8 year old wondered around the mansion, clueless to what was going to happen, his father and all his other brothers were not going to be home for hours

They all were at some Soccer game they were all supposed to go to but Rocco was sick that day so he wasn't able to go

His mother had offered to stay home with Talia and Rocco and take care of them

The little kid dropped his ice block he had stolen from the freezer, as high pitch alarms rung through the house

The sticky substance melted and dripped down the stairs as the boy raced to his little sisters bedroom where she was wailing

The boy picked her up and cuddled her trying to make her happy

He hid in the walk in wardrobe with his little sister as screams, sounds of glass breaking and gun shots echoed the mansion

the little bundle stayed huddled in the room until footsteps walked into the room and began ruining the room trying to find something

The boy left his sister in the wardrobe and raced out trying to figure out what was happening

The boy shuddered with fear as he saw 4 tall men all dressed in black holding guns

The men laughed and shoved the boy on the ground a pointed the guns at him

"Where is the girl"  One of the men snarled 

The little boy refused to let them know where his little sister was even when they began kicking him

The boy took all of the kicks telling himself each time its for his little sister

The men eventually got bored and one of them grabbed a knife

The boy's eyes widen as the knife was pressed hard against his neck

"I won't ask again where is the girl?"

The boy shook his head glaring at the men 

There was a glint from the light as the knife was raised and slashed from his eye brow to his cheek

Warm blood trickled down the little boys face as he refused to answer the men

The knife was raised again when they realized he wasn't going to answer and stabbed straight in the side of his stomach

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