Charli Grant x reader- Giggly Cuddles

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The soft hum of the TV filled the cosy living room as you snuggled into the couch, waiting for Charli to join you. The rain pattered against the window, creating a soothing background noise. It had been a long week, and all you wanted was a quiet night in with your favourite person

You didn't have to wait long before you heard charlis footsteps approaching. She entered the room with a small smile, her hair slightly damp from the rain outside. "Hey, you," she said, her voice filled with affection. "Sorry I'm late. Practice ran a bit over."

"It's okay," you replied, shifting to make room for her on the couch. "I kept your spot warm".

Charli chuckled and plopped down next to you, immediately wrapping her arms around you and pulling you close. "Mmm, you're the best," she murmured, pressing a kiss to your forehead.

You felt a surge of warmth spread through you as you nestled into her embrace. "So, what are we watching?" she asked, glancing at the TV.

"Just some random show," you said with a shrug. "I was waiting for you to pick something."

Charli grinned and reached for the remote, scrolling through the options. After a moment, she settled on a feel-good comedy that you both loved. As the show started, you could feel the tension of the week melting away.

Halfway through the episode, charli shifted slightly, her fingers tracing gentle patterns on your arm. You squirmed a bit, feeling a ticklish sensation spread through you. "Charli," you giggled, trying to keep still. "That tickles!"

She looked down at you with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Oh, does it now?" she teased, her fingers continuing their dance on your skin.

You squirmed more, laughing uncontrollably. "Charli, stop!" you pleaded between giggles, but she only laughed along with you, her touch becoming even more deliberate.

"I can't help it," she said, her own laughter mixing with yours. "You are just too cute when you giggle."

Finally, she relented, and you both collapsed into a fit of giggles, your bodies pressed close together. The laughter subsided, leaving a comfortable silence in its wake. Charli's arms tightened around you, her breath warm against your ear.

"I love you," she whispered, her voice soft and sincere.

You turned slightly to look up at her, your eyes meeting hers. "I love you too," you replied, your heart swelling with affection.

The two of you settled back into a comfortable silence, the show playing in the background as you enjoyed the simple pleasure of being in each other's arms. The rain continued to fall outside, but inside, everything was warm and perfect.

As the night wore on, you found yourselves drifting off to sleep, still wrapped up in each other. The worries of the week faded away, replaced by the warmth and love that filled the room. And as you closed your eyes, you couldn't help but feel grateful for moments like this- moments of giggly cuddles and the deniable comfort of being with the person you loved most.

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