Beth Mead x Reader- Touch of Grace

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Your heart fluttered as Beth Mead leaned in closer, her warm breath grazing against your skin. She gently lifted your hand, her touch delicate yet assured, as she brought it closer to her lips. Her eyes, pools of deep amber, held yours with a mixture of tenderness and intensity.

It was a simple gesture—a hand kiss—but the way she did it made your pulse quicken. Her lips brushed softly against your knuckles, sending a shiver down your spine. Her gaze softened into a smile, a faint blush creeping onto her cheeks as she lingered, savouring the moment.

"I've always loved the way you touch," she murmured, her voice a soft melody that danced through the air between you. Her fingers traced light patterns on the back of your hand, a gentle reminder of her presence, of her warmth.

You felt a rush of emotions swirl within you—affection, admiration, and a longing you dared not name. Beth had a way of making you feel special, seen in a way that no one else did. In her eyes, you were not just another person, but someone worth her time, her attention, her affection.

As she leaned in to place another kiss, this time on the inside of your wrist, you couldn't help but close your eyes, savouring the sensation. The softness of her lips against your skin was intoxicating, a touch that spoke volumes without words. It was in these moments, in the quiet intimacy between you, that you realised how deeply you cared for her.

Beth pulled back slightly, her fingers now intertwined with yours. Her gaze searched yours, seeking an answer to a question left unspoken. You nodded, a silent affirmation of what your heart had already decided. She smiled, a radiant expression that lit up her face, and you knew then that this was just the beginning of something beautiful—a journey of love, woven together by simple gestures and heartfelt moments.

And as you stood there, hand in hand with Beth Mead, you knew that this touch, this connection, was something you would cherish forever—a reminder of the grace found in the simplest of gestures, in the touch of her lips against your skin.

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