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In summary, it seemed that there was no significant fault on the part of the knight named Calmen who had relayed the information to Haven.

It was Ninnias, the physician, who was extremely irritated while dragging Haven back to his bed.

"When did His Highness say that he would take responsibility for your life? He said he would take responsibility for the statement that it wasn't a contagious disease, didn't he? I clearly heard what the knight was saying right next to him!"

"No, but..."

"Stop confusing things! Like I've been saying, you're too careless about everything. If I say to calm down, then calm down!"

Upon hearing this, Haven immediately grabbed Ninnias' hand, jumping around while calling him a life-saver, until he received a hit from the exasperated physician.

Well, Haven had always seemed a bit frivolous, but it seemed that impressions of people don't really change.

Sir Kurt subtly opened his mouth towards Masain, who was still emanating a furious aura.

"That guy has always been one to not listen well and exaggerate things. He's a guy who bets his life here and there; please understand."

That's right, just calm down. Sir Masain.

It seems like Haven just did what he usually does, but you're acting like you want to kill someone.

"Not too long ago, I distinctly heard him going around saying he would dedicate his life to Princess Amelia when she visited the training ground."

...Should I really kill him?

After a bit of commotion, Seongjin was barely able to relay the overall to Haven.

"Parasites in my chest?"

He jumped in surprise and touched his own chest. The incision and stitches had almost healed completely thanks to the priest. The discolored gray area had significantly reduced, with only a small portion remaining.

"Based on the shape of the wound, it looks like someone directly inserted an egg into you."

At the physician's words, Haven tilted his head in confusion.

"I simply went out, drank, and then went back to sleep at the inn. If someone stabbed me, wouldn't I have noticed?"

"Was there anything unusual?"

"Unusual? Ah!"

Haven grinned at the people around him, who were all ears.

"Now that I think about it, I met an incredibly beautiful woman on my way! That's what I remember."


Seongjin asked, while raising his hands to block Sir Masain, who seemed resisting his urge to slap him right there.

"And what did she do?"

"Hmm? I don't know; maybe I was too drunk? Now that I think about it, I can't remember her face well. Just that she had long, beautiful hair."

Haven's eyes became dreamy.

"More than anything, her voice was really beautiful. I don't remember well, but it felt like a heavenly voice. I wish I could see her again..."

Sir Kurt then asked incredulously.

"Do you even realize you just barely escaped death? What if she's the culprit?"

"Hehe. If she's that beautiful, then she's worth risking my life for."


He really does gamble his life on various things.

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