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197. Sigismund Order (6)

The place where the giant type 4 demon species swept over was extremely cruel.

The ground was layered with scratches from the roots of the magic tree, and the black, eroded corpses of people and horses were lying everywhere. Despite extensive purification, the bodies were shriveled to the point where identification was impossible.

The Wolf Knights roughly collected them, buried them in the ground, and began the task of salvaging useful items from the broken wreckage.

Fortunately, unlike the creatures whose lives were completely stolen, most of the items on top were intact other than physical damage.

The work of the Wolf Knights accelerated as they additionally rescued some of the horses that had escaped to the outskirts and a couple of unbroken wagons.

Thanks to this, they were able to complete all settlements and depart for Sigismund Range two days after Seongjin's group left.

"Lord Valerie."

Sir Ilma, who had been organizing the ranks by going back and forth between the knights and carts, slowed down his horse and approached the Inquisitor once he had finished organizing things to a certain extent.

"I will tell the drivers to take turns watching. So, how about taking a little rest?"

Currently, Valerie was keeping an eye on one of the wagons.

There were about a dozen prisoners crumpled up there, most likely remnants of the Penitent Church.

"As soon as we arrive at Sigismund Territory, the knights will take care of handing them over to the church."

Then the Inquisitor shook his head.

"Thank you, Sir Ilma. They will be transported to the Imperial Heresy Tribunal. "It would be a little troubling if a hasty summary judgment occurred in the church there."

"... ... ."

"I will personally hand them over to the guards and take them back when I return."

A firm expression of intention not to hand over disposal authority to the Margrave.

Lord Ilma did not question him further. This is because I assumed that there was something complicated going on.

Although she did not receive a separate explanation from Orden, she, too, had recently sensed the subtle aura of discord flowing between the head of the family and the archduke.

"Anyway, it's surprising that they survived in the middle of that demonic energy. "The area around the campsite was completely withered, with not a single blade of grass left."

"Isn't the fact that they remain unharmed even amidst the demon race's rampage strong evidence that they are devil worshipers?"

"okay. But is this level of restraint okay? If you even try to commit suicide... ... ."

Although they were close to death, they might do something extreme if they realized that they were being dragged to the Inquisition.

Then the red-haired Inquisitor smiled.

"The Church of Penitence does not fear the torture of the Inquisition. Rather, they will be willing to endure the pain. "This is the only advantage of the Penitent Order."

Valerie explained that they believe that suffering is the only way to repent and the ultimate path to being embraced by the Lord.

As he said, Lord Ilma looked a little tired as he looked at the prisoners whose bodies were covered in scars and wounds.

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