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On the evening of that day, the final banquet of the three-day-long birthday celebration was held.

The banquet proceeded in a rather subdued atmosphere. As most of the acquaintances had already exchanged greetings, it was now time for deeper political conversations to take place.

Seongjin formally introduced Marquis Ravioli, Charles to Amelia.

"You've sent a precious gift, Marquis Ravioli. I was so focused on the flower buds in the greenhouse that I completely missed the splendid spring news that had arrived in the garden."

"Not at all. In the presence of Her Highness, the fragrance of any flower would pale in comparison. I have only now realized how inadequate my preparations were."

The two seemed to get along quite well, engaging in a lively conversation.

Usually, when Amelia was with her siblings, she would express her true feelings in a warm and affectionate tone.

However, in formal settings, she was surprisingly adept at the aristocratic way of speaking, embellished with flowery language.

Come to think of it, she had once told Seongjin:

"People like to hide their true intentions behind flowery language and pretty words. But in most cases, they don't really want to hide it; they expect the other person to naturally understand."

Seongjin had heard that Amelia was usually quite shy and didn't engage much in social activities, but seeing her now, she seemed to have even more social grace than Isabella, the queen of high society. It was truly remarkable.

By the way...

'That bastard is sneakily appealing to the Prince of Brittany again.'

Seongjin glared at Charles with a sullen expression. It was obvious that the cunning little brat was trying to push for a royal marriage between Delcross and Brittany, which didn't sit well with him.

[Why are you making a fuss after introducing them yourself?]

'Well, if Brittany wants something from noonim, she must also have something to gain from them.'

Just like Morres's "engagement in name only."

Besides, Seongjin had a feeling that Amelia wanted to build a wide range of connections at this birthday celebration, especially with the nobles of Rohan and Brittany. Since Charles was the only one Seongjin could introduce her to, he could overlook his slight displeasure. Apparently, the Ravioli family held quite a high position in Brittany.

'And no matter who she talks to, isn't it better than that swallow bastard from Rohan?'

[...You really don't like him, do you?]

I guess so. But why?

Strangely, whenever I see that guy, I get the urge to drag him away somewhere and bury him without anyone knowing.

Is it because his eyes look like a psychopath's?

[Who are you calling a psychopath?]

'...Shut up!'

Anyway, both Amelia and Charles seemed satisfied with this meeting.

'What a beautiful and elegant princess. She would be a perfect match for Prince Philip! When I return to Brittany, I must persuade my father to proceed with the royal marriage.'

'In the future, Philip of Brittany became a rational monarch. When the holy war broke out, he was the second to join the allied forces and confront Leonard. So it's beneficial to build a good relationship with him from now on.'

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