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Seongjin demonstrated the [Aura Concealment] for Dasha, who found it hard to believe even after seeing it with her own eyes.

"How can this even be possible..."

She couldn't recover from the shock for a while.

"Selective trainees usually take an average of 3 to 4 years for this process. How did you manage it in just one day..."

Seongjin casually shrugged his shoulders, keeping his aura inactive.

Is that so?

Well, that's decent. I've managed to build up to the 5th layer of aura in just a few weeks, a feat that takes others an average of 7 years.

But even then, my father still treats me as a commodity to be sold.

"Your Highness, can you move in that state?"

Upon Dasha's question, Seongjin cautiously took a step forward. However, his efforts were in vain as his previously faded presence snapped back into its original form.


This is not going to be easy.

Seongjin focused his mind, constantly recalling the image he had been meditating on.

In fact, he was thinking of a memory from his Hunter days to make manipulating aura easier.

A day from long ago when he had been isolated in the nest of a venomous creature called the Fire Caterpillar. Amid the floating poisonous particles in the air, he had focused his vital energy to protect his respiratory system and skin.

Unable to breathe properly and at risk of his skin melting at any lapse in concentration, Seongjin had survived two whole days in that poisonous environment before finally returning to his unit.

"Right. [Aura Concealment] isn't simply tying up your aura to your body."

What needs to be visualized is a seamless barrier of aura, continually circulating within the body while maintaining a dense concentration to prevent any external aura from infiltrating.

And then he just had to move his body as he did back then.

"Is that really possible? This is insane!"

Dasha's voice, filled with awe, echoed beside him.

After several trial-and-error attempts, Seongjin finally succeeded in taking his first step without any fluctuation in his presence. After that, everything became smooth sailing.

In no time, Seongjin managed to move around the room with his presence perfectly concealed. He even demonstrated hopping in place while manipulating some aura in his legs.

"How did you do that? Why does [Aura Concealment] look so easy when you do it?"

Dasha, appearing almost desperate, asked him.

Seongjin kindly explained his method, albeit with some creative liberties.

"So, Dasha, imagine you are a poison dart frog. Imagine that you've fallen, unfortunately, right into the nest of venomous ants. You lack an immunity to their venom, so you have to constantly exude a mucus to protect yourself. However, if you exude all your venom, you won't have any more protection, so you'll need to absorb the exuded venom back through your skin. Just like how the poison dart frog..."

Listening to his long-winded explanation, Dasha muttered.

"Is this for real..."

She looked at Seongjin with a devastated face and soon dropped her head, whispering softly.

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