60 | Bonds Shattered | Part 2

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A profound silence enveloped the mansion. Not a whisper or footfall disturbed the heavy stillness.

As the unexpected events in the living room unfolded, the staff discreetly retreated to their quarters, their movements silent and unobtrusive.

Recognizing the gravity of the situation, Michael realized that the forthcoming conversation needed to remain within the family. Without a word, he moved towards the main door and exited the mansion.

Anshika's question lingered in the charged atmosphere, unanswered. Her tear-filled eyes were fixed on Devansh, and the sight of her anguish made his heart ache.

Devansh began to approach her, but Anshika immediately raised her hand, halting him in his tracks. With a voice trembling yet firm, she demanded, "Did you really torture my bhabhi?"

Devansh's gaze fell under the weight of shame and remorse, a silent admission to Anshika's probing question.

Yet, she sought clarity directly, her tone now edged with unwavering determination, "Bhai, I need an answer."

Struggling to meet her gaze, Devansh's attempt to articulate was stifled by the suffocating grip of guilt.

"Anshi..." Before Parinidhi could interject, Anshika silenced her sharply, asserting her right to clarity, "My inquiry is directed at my brother. He alone will respond."

Parinidhi acquiesced in silence, while Devansh, meeting Anshika's unwavering stare, softly attempted to reason, "Ansh, it's not appropriate to address Pari in such a manner. She's my wife and your bhabhi," his tone gentle yet tinged with frustration.

Devansh's frustration seemed ineffectual against Anshika's resolve. She advanced boldly, her gaze unwavering as she addressed him directly. "Bhai, you're seething with rage just because I spoke harshly to Pari bhabhi. But did you stop to consider her feelings when you were inflicting torture upon her? Why didn't her pain matter to you then? How could you even entertain such thoughts, bhai? To witness my pain and then inflict such suffering upon another woman, another family member—how could you justify such cruelty?"

Devansh attempted to interject, but Anshika's voice rose, tinged with both fury and anguish.
"For the first time today, I find solace in the absence of our parents. Your actions would have devastated them. I... I struggle to even acknowledge you as my brother. I hate you bhai... I hate you." Tears streamed down her cheeks as the floodgates of her anguish opened, leaving Devansh stunned and heartbroken, his own eyes brimming with unspoken regret.

Mukul, his demeanor composed yet authoritative, stepped in. "Ansh, I understand you're hurt, but please refrain from drawing conclusions without the full picture," he urged, his voice a blend of empathy and firmness.

Anshika, her eyes brimming with tears, shifted her gaze to Mukul, taking a hesitant step forward. "Okay, Mukul bhai, I get it. I wasn't aware of everything, given my coma," she conceded, her voice wavering slightly. "But regardless of the circumstances, how can you even try to justify Bhai's appalling behavior?"

Mukul, reaching out to wipe away Anshika's tears, maintained his composed demeanor. "Ansh, I'm not defending Devansh's actions. He knows he crossed a line, and I made sure to hold him accountable," he explained, his tone steady. "But in that moment, seeing your condition, he lost control. He's deeply remorseful and is actively striving to be a better person, a better husband..."

Anshika interrupted him, her voice trembling yet determined. "If he couldn't bear to see me in pain, how could he inflict it upon his own wife? How could he torture her?"

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