|| Chapter 84 ||

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(1 month before the marriage)


Ajit and Natalia stood on the city hospital terrace, the city skyline sprawling beneath them.

Ajit stubbed out his cigarette and turned to Natalia. "I don't get why you're so worked up. Parvati aunty said it was just a routine check-up."

Natalia, absorbed in her cigarette, remained silent. Ajit's frustration grew, but he kept his thoughts to himself, knowing her tendencies.

A nurse approached, handing Natalia two reports. After a quick exchange of money, the nurse left. Natalia studied the reports with a sly smirk.

"Routine check-up, huh?" Natalia said, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

Ajit, puzzled, frowned. "Yeah, that's what Aunty told me."

Natalia handed one report to Ajit. His face went pale as he read the findings. "Pari can never become a mother," he said, horrified.

Natalia kept her attention on the real reports in her hands, not revealing the truth.

Ajit, trembling, read the report several times. "If she can't have kids, why should I marry her? My family will never accept a barren woman, and I don't want that kind of life."

Natalia looked at him with contempt. "The reports you have are fake. I arranged them myself. The real ones," she said, holding them up, "show that Pari can become a mother."

Ajit grabbed the genuine reports, relief washing over him as he checked them. "Thank God. But why the fake reports?"

Natalia shrugged nonchalantly. "You're leaving in a few weeks for training and will be gone for a month. When you return, you're supposed to marry Parinidhi. Do you really think Devansh will just let you get away with this?"

Ajit considered this, nodding. "Devansh won't back down easily. What's the plan?"

Natalia crossed her arms, her expression steely. "I have two strategies. One, I could get these reports to Devansh. Knowing how much he loves kids, he might back off. Or two, I could blackmail him, threatening to reveal these reports to Parinidhi and shatter her if he interferes."

Ajit, still processing, said, "I don't think Devansh would care if he knew Parinidhi can't have kids. He's too obsessed with her. Go with the second plan."

Natalia looked him over with a disdainful gaze. "That's because he's a real man, unlike you, who judges a woman's worth by her ability to bear children." She turned and walked away.

Ajit watched her go, seething. "I'll make you pay for all these insults," he muttered to himself, his anger simmering.



I woke up with a heavy body and sat up, feeling deeply troubled. The ticking clock and the ongoing turmoil were wearing on me. It felt like everything happening was against my heart's wishes.

But the source of all this suffering seemed to be my own actions. If I hadn't been ensnared by the blackmailer's threats, none of this chaos would have occurred. I would have been with Devansh, living peacefully.

How could I not be terrified of the blackmailer? After 25 years, my life felt like a grotesque illusion—bitter, ghastly, and painfully false. I had just uncovered the brutal truth: I am not Parinidhi Angad Verma, but Parinidhi Vikram Nirvana.

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