|| Chapter 93 ||

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I was sitting on the bed, my mind swirling in confusion, unable to grasp the chaos that had taken over our lives recently.

In the past few days, everything had spun wildly out of control. First, Veer Kashyap blackmailed me, then I hurt Devansh. After that, I moved to Delhi, and Devansh followed, ultimately eliminating both Veer Kashyap and Sahil Kashyap. For a brief moment, it seemed like things might finally settle down.

But then Devansh announced his second marriage. Although he explained that it was a staged drama to protect Mukul's mother, I thought we had cleared all misunderstandings and that no more trouble would come our way.

Now, learning that Kusum worked for Mr. Rishabh Nirvana and had come here at his behest was the biggest shock of all. I had considered Kusum a true friend and had been thrilled that she was marrying Mukul.

The revelation that Kusum harbored such deep hatred for Mukul was disorienting. She despised Mr. Rishabh so intensely that she was willing to marry Mukul out of spite.

This marriage was intended to be a constant torment for Mukul, a daily reminder of how his father had ruined Kusum's life.

It was hard to fathom that someone from my own family, someone I had never wanted to acknowledge as such, could be involved in such criminal activities.

Mr. Rishabh Nirvana was entangled in the vile and illegal world of human trafficking.

His actions had ensnared Kusum in this grim circle, forcing her into a life as a bar dancer from a young age.

Despite everything, the idea that Kusum could betray me was nearly impossible to accept. She had always treated me more like a sister than a friend, showering me with respect and affection. Our bond had grown so strong in such a short time that it was hard to believe she could be deceitful. The only way to uncover the truth was to speak with Kusum directly.

In her anger, she had only voiced her hatred for Mukul's father and her frustration with Mukul, but she had revealed nothing about herself. I knew I needed to understand her perspective to see the full picture.

With that thought in mind, I lifted my gaze toward Devansh, who was sitting on the couch beside Mukul.

Mukul was deep in thought, grappling with the chaos raging inside him. He was visibly shaken by the recent revelations—learning that his father had condemned Kusum to a life of misery for years.

It was a realization that would tear anyone apart, and for Mukul, who had come to love Kusum deeply, it was nothing short of heartbreaking. To know that the woman he loved had been so thoroughly destroyed by his own father's actions was a burden almost too heavy to bear.

The mere thought of Mr. Rishabh's cruelty made my blood boil. How many lives had he destroyed? Devansh's parents, Aditi Maa, Devansh, me, Mukul, Kusum—the list seemed endless.

Still, the thought nagged at me—why would Mr. Rishabh Nirvana want Kusum as his daughter-in-law, knowing her past as a bar dancer? It just didn't add up.

It wasn't that I had anything against Kusum; on the contrary, I felt nothing but respect for her. Learning about everything she had been through at such a young age made me admire her resilience even more. She was undeniably strong. She had faced unimaginable challenges and still fought every day to preserve her dignity. In a world where even ordinary girls aren't safe, Kusum had been ensnared in the sordid trap of prostitution, yet she fought tooth and nail to survive. Her strength was incredible, but it had also hardened her, which explained why she spoke to Mukul so harshly. Still, it wasn't fair to blame Mukul for his father's mistakes.

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