Chapter 25

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Lisa was sitting on the plane while looking out of the window. Some of the employees were conversing with each other, but it seems as if there are people who don't like Lisa. Maybe they were jealous of her. She had an extremely handsome boyfriend and she was attractive herself, plus she seemed to get a long with many people.

The employees who mainly don't like her are around her age and act like high school bullies. Lisa looked out of the small window and was curious on how Jungkook was doing. The two seem to be with each other 24/7 outside of work. Crossing her legs, she decided to pull out her laptop and edit a few things for the presentation tomorrow. Lisa isn't going to be the one presenting but it need to be perfect.

It seems that the boss, Mr. Choi, noticed Lisa typing away on her computer. "Miss. Manoban, you should relax on this flight, especially from work," Lisa looked over towards her boss and smiled. "I just wanted to make sure everything is perfect for the presentation," When it comes to these types of circumstances, Lisa becomes a bit of a perfectionist. In this case, she doesn't want to fail and instead, have the presentation a success.

"You have been working really hard on this, harder than you need to be. And between you and have been working harder than the others," That was very surprising, not expecting her other coworkers to be so carefree as she observed them. Some were sleeping, talking to each other or on their phone. Lisa slowly closed her laptop before clearing her throat. Compared to everyone else, I looks like a try hard.

"I love how dedicated you are with you position here, maybe you could earn a promotion if you keep up the great work," Mr. Choi winked before moving back to his seat. A promotion? That sounds so unreal already. My pay is generous enough. The thought of the promotion made Lisa extremely happy, maybe she would be able to move into a house soon.

There was a male and female worker glaring at Lisa after hearing their conversation. The jealousy rose in their bodies and thoughts began to rush in their heads. "Maybe we should get her in big trouble to get her further away from the promotion or—possibly fired?" The male, Jung-Woo suggested. "As interesting as that sounds, we can get rid of her for good. She lives in the same apartment complex as me and I'm tired of seeing her everyday,"

Eun-Yoo, the female worker, smirked at the thought of Lalisa Manoban gone for good. Jung-Woo laughed for a bit until he saw that Eun-Yoo was being serious. "Wait, you can't be serious. That could get us arrested and fired Eun-Yoo!" He began to panic. She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Nobody has to know, and I think we should do it in Tokyo...we are going to leave the country anyway,"

"We? I don't—" Another employee walked passed the two for a moment to use the restroom. Eun-Yoo watched the employee and came up with an idea. Men are so weak. "You are joining with me, I can't do it by myself," Sue crossed her legs, and purposely raising her black penciled skirt. "Why can't you ask anyone else? I don't want to be involved," Eun-Yoo let out a small sigh and looked into his eyes. "because I only trust you," She grabbed onto his thigh.

Jung-Woo's breath hitched as he looked down and at Eun-Yoo's legs. The employee left the bathroom, which Eun-Yoo took to opportunity to take Jung-Woo with her. She locked the bathroom door and turned towards him. "I only trust you with this plan, okay? The others would tell on me and instantly get me fired," She rubbed her hand on his forearm while pouting.

"Fine, what's the plan?" A smirk made it's way on her face as she sat on the sink, purposely opening her legs a bit. "I was thinking we should drug her? Or possibly kill her with our bare hands," That made Jung-Woo's stomach sink. "Uhm... With our bare hands? I—" Eun-Yoo grabbed his hand and put it between her legs. "Yes, I need you to help me," She shoved her hand down his pants and began to stroke him.

"Say you will participate for me," She began to move her and faster. "Please don't stop," Jung-Woo wined. "I won't unless you agree," There were groans from Jung-Woo getting louder as he was getting closer towards his climax. "Yes, I will do it," He ripped Eun-Yoo's shirt open and sucked her bare chest. This surprised Eun-Yoo, not knowing that he would be so easy to manipulate. He was always kept to himself.

Jung-Woo moved her skirt up and her underwear out of the way before slamming himself inside of her. She let out a scream of pleasure and ran her fingers through his hair. He was viciously thrusting inside of her, making their skin clap. People from outside of the bathroom could hear the two doing it in the bathroom. Some giggled, others were grossed out that they would do it here of all places.

Lisa overheard them talking about the plan outside of the bathroom door. She didn't know who they were talking about and was scared for her other employees. If she told Mr. Choi, who knew what they would do to her if they found out. Lisa went to her seat and tried to distract herself.

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Jungkook stared at the empty piece of paper. Without Lisa here, how was he supposed to feel motivated to be better? It's like he was back to square one. Although it was going to be a few days, it was going to feel a lot longer. After joining the mafia, Jungkook felt like he was going backwards. How was he going to set a goal to be a better person but then join a mafia?

He wasn't the only one who joined, noticing that Yoongi also joined. The confused him more as he knew that he left his gang back in high school. That was something that they would have to talk over drinks with. And in the mafia, he didn't entirely know how it worked, would he automatically go to the top since his father was the boss? Or is he still the boss but on hold?

"Yah! Mr. Jeon!" Jungkook was brought back to reality as his boss caught him slacking from work. "Come to my office please," He left Jungkook alone with his two other coworkers, who were giggling. Jungkook glared at the two before getting up and walking towards his bosses office. He knocked before entering the room.

"Mr. Jeon, please have a seat," Jungkook sat down in one of two leather seats in front of his bosses desk. "So I've noticed that you missed a few days of work and starting to slack off. Are you okay recently? I heard from the other two that you've got a girlfriend... Congratulations Mr. Jeon but missing work just to spend time with your girlfriend is not acceptable,"

Jungkook could feel what was coming up next. "I'm sorry Mr. Jeon but I have to let you go. It seems as if this job isn't serious to you," He nodded before standing up. "It's hard to stay committed to a job if you never accept my work," Jungkook stormed out of the office and began to pack his belongings. "Jungkook what happened?"

Jungkook simply ignored his now old coworkers and left the building. Now what was he going to do? Maybe going to the gym would help him lose some of this anger and frustration. He got in his car and sped his way home. Although it wasn't a big company and the pay was alright, there was nothing to occupy his time, to get rid of the killing urge. "FUCK!!"

Jungkook made it home, slamming his door shut but was quite surprised when he saw a few black cars in his driveway. "What the hell?" He rushed inside of his house and saw people in black in his living room. Some were dressed up and some you could tell were bodyguards. "Hello Mr. Jeon," He stared at everyone coldly, but still had a bit of rage in him. "You know you guys are trespassing,"

"Don't worry, we will make this brief... Do not make the same mistake your father did. We don't need any more controversy surrounding us. These orders were strictly made by Mr. Choi," Which mistake? Killing his wife? "I highly doubt I will. But please clarify mistake," Jungkook crossed his arms and had a daring stare. "Telling a woman the truth about us and involving her into our business,"

Sorry for the late update, I've been struggling with some mental shit and also writers block. So that was fun 😁

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