Chapter 21

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"So, Adam, why don't you tell Sophie how are you feeling right now?" The lady counselor asks me with a concentrated expression. She sensed my bad mood the moment we stepped inside her office. Sophie looked primp and pleased like she was living her best life and nothing catastrophic was really happening in our lives!

"Fucking pissed." I say with my arms and legs crossed, too much angry to care if I was being a dic*. Things were going so good but this situation was taking my peace of mind.

"Why don't you talk more about your feelings?" The counselor insisted.


"Madam, just the other day this guy came on to my wife in the grocery store! She had a fucking ring on her finger, for crying out loud!" I sigh loudly before continuing. "And she received 324 messages from a godly amount number of fuckers on that fucking app. I am still mad at this shit, by the way. What's wrong with these people coming on to my fucking wife!?"

I was having a slightly panick attack with the attention Sophie was receiving lately. I couldn't hear the word "app" without starting to feel my blood boiling with fury. I don't know what is happening to her. I mean, I do know. She has this new confidence about her. She was shining and fucking bastards were noticing this too.

"Sophie...?" The counselor looked at her, willing her to talk.

Sophie shakes her head, irritated with my behavior. We talked a lot about this at home. She said I was feeling insecure because I wronged her and was waiting for her to get back at me by cheating or whatever. She was super pissed at my whining.

"I told Adam I am a woman of my word and if I tell him I am not going to do anything bad to get back at him, he needs to believe me. It goes the same way for me. I shall believe him If he tells me he will never going to cheat again."

I wince at the word she used on purpose. I hate this damn word.

"And," Sophie continues. "I think it was very childish of him to answer every man that sent me messages on the app."

Yeah, I did that, all right. I sent each fucker a message saying to them to fuck off, bastard, and some dipshits still answered saying, I like your sassiness gorgeous, let's meet now.

Fucking unbelievable.

One of them said in the messages he would take care of her and any kids she had! And asked for a chance to meet. Hell!

Sophie wouldn't leave me for one of them, would she?

I almost broke her phone with my fury. Thank God she didn't open the messages or I would be combusting now with anguish. When she saw what I was doing with the app, she took the phone from me and uninstalled the thing, scolding me for behaving badly.

If she would let me fuck he, I wouldn't be so tormented!

I just realized with devastating clarity that my wife was immensely desired by others. Fuckers would try to take her away from me in the first opportunity they had!

How can I compete with then after my fuck ups!?

"Adam," the counselor started saying. "I understand you are feeling insecure because you are waiting to be punished for your mistakes. But the thing is, your wife's word is the key to resolve your problems. The same thing I could say to her. Both of you need to trust each other enterily. If your wife is saying she is not going to cheat, you believe her. If you say to her you are not going to cheat, she will believe you. No one can control the other. You can't be with her 24 hours a day. Her word needs to be enough. And your word needs to be enough."

She pauses a bit, looking at us with seriosity.

"Sophie, would you like to give Adam your word about your faithfulness?"

Sophie turns to look at me, giving me her full attention and taking my hands on hers.

"Adam, I promise you I will be faithful to this marriage and to our vows. I choose to forgive you and to give you a second chance. As long as you keep your word and promise to me, I am still your wife."

I open my mouth amazed and stunned with her words. I was dumbstruck with her declaration. This horrible feeling inside me, the anguish and the insecurity were suddenly gone, so powerful were the confidence in my wife's eyes.

I felt tears forming on my eyes with the enormous weight she just lifted from my shoulders.

"Adam?" The counselor urges me to talk.

I breathe some times, trying to calm my fucking heart down because it was beating so fast I might just be having a heart attack.

"Sophie, my love... I am so grateful... I have no words to describe how grateful I am by your forgiveness. I promise to be faithful to you, to our marriage, to our vows, and never again to take you for granted or to give other women attention. I promise to cherish and to honor you and our kids with my life." I kiss her hands and it feels like we were just getting married again.

The most wonderful feeling of being forgiven was taking hold of me.

"Madam," I say to the counselor. "If you will excuse me." I say to her, already getting up from the couch. She nods at me not understanding what I was about to do.

I am so happy, so full of joy I start to jump in front of them. Fucking yes!!!! She forgave me! No bastard is going to steal my wife! FUCKING YES!

I kept jumping like a clown and laughing like a lunatic while Sophie giggled from the couch at me.

Suddenly, she gets up too and takes my hands, jumping together with me. We look like two dorks but who cares!!!

After 10 minutes of jumping and giggling I hear the counseling saying: "I love seeing a couple getting past their problems like you guys just did. Congratulations! But remember, marriage is hard work until the end. Keep working, Adam, Sophie."

Yes madam, I will!

I take Sophie in my arms and thank God for the gift he just gave back to me. She is my everything.

-Later at night-

I was having the strangest dream.
Sophie was with me, naked, willing, sweet, asking me to wake up and to fuck her.

It couldn't be true. We arrived home today after the most amazing day at the counseling and she didn't give me a hint if I was allowed to touch her or not.

We have not been intimate for one year, seven months and fifteen days. The longest most tormenting time of my life.

But now she was straddling me and asking me to wake up.

Would she really...?!

I open my eyes with a startle and grab Sophie hips with firmness.

My God!

"Won't you wake up for me?" She asks with a sweet voice.

My God. I am in heaven....!?

Note: The book will end in chapter 22. After I will release epilogues. Thanks for keeping up until now.

The Sorrow in His Eyes: Regretful HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now