Chapter 221: Summer Sun For You Forever

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When Lucy returned from her nap a few hours later, she had an absolutely dazzling smile on her face.

"You look very happy about something," I commented.

"It's Christmas," she replied, smiling wider. "Why wouldn't I be happy?"

I narrowed my eyes at her, but after a moment, I realized her smile was sincere, so I decided not to push her. "Can't argue with that logic. You didn't miss much while you were sleeping. George and Henry wanted to stay, but Henry has Quidditch practice in the morning and George offered to go back with him. Fred and Dad are outside, talking about Percy, I assume. Bill, Fleur, and Remus left shortly after you went upstairs. Mum turned in early. Harry was hungry and went to go eat more cookies in the kitchen, and, as you can see, Ron is kicking my arse at chess."

"I'll kick yours next if you're in the mood for a game," Ron offered with a grin. "If not, though, that's okay, I totally understand, I'm sure you're still tired after last night."

Lucy nodded as she flopped onto the sofa on her stomach, using her hands as a pillow. She furrowed her eyebrows, appearing to focus very intently on nothing at all, then sighed.

"What was that?" I asked, thoroughly confused.

"Remus, earlier." She wiggled one of her hands loose and cast a silencing spell before returning her hand to its original position. "He cast a silencing spell without even moving. I wanted to see if I could do the same, but apparently I can't."

"Yet," Ron said. "You can't yet."

I blinked. "Wait, speaking of Remus, did he say anything about your magic to you earlier?"

"Yeah, hence the silencing spell," Lucy replied with a smile. "Long story short, yes, I have heightened magic, but more interestingly than that, it's tied to what my Ilvermorny house would be."

"So Hermione was right?" I clarified.

Lucy nodded. "Definitely. My American friends seem to think I'd be a Thunderbird, which corresponds to my emotional magic being stronger than my other magic. The mood rings and the like."

"Wicked! Does that mean you'll stop being scared of your magic and start using it again?"

"Harry made a very similar comment," Lucy replied with a resigned smile and shake of her head. "Yes, it seems as if I was anxious over nothing."

I rolled my eyes. "You? Anxious over nothing? Imagine that."

Ron stifled a laugh behind his hand while Lucy just groaned, closed her eyes, and cut the silencing spell.

"Harry, I'm being bullied in here!" she whined.

There was a screech of kitchen chair against kitchen floor in the other room, and the door opened seconds later to reveal Harry, with an eyebrow raised.

"Oi, lay off my girl."

"Your girl?" I fired back, raising an eyebrow of my own.

Harry crossed his arms. "Yeah, and what about it?"

"Cleaned your glasses, did you?" Ron asked.

Harry looked hopelessly confused. "You Weasleys keep asking variations of that question, and I haven't the foggiest what you mean by it."

"I know what it means, but I am not explaining," Lucy said, eyes still closed, face very red. "He hasn't cleaned his glasses, no. Harry, they were accusing me of being anxious over nothing as far as my magic is concerned!"

"Well — er — you were."

Ron didn't bother trying to stifle his laugh that time, and I laughed too.

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