Chapter 244: Take It Easy

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Before we knew it, we'd reached the platform. I hugged Hermione first, then Harry. I didn't want to let go of him, and I could tell he didn't want to let go of me, either. A quick glance at Ron and Hermione informed me that they were struggling in the same way. But when the train whistle sounded, Ron and I let go so Hermione and Harry could scramble onto the train. The two of us waved from the platform until the train disappeared from sight, then turned to each other.

Ron raised his eyebrows. "So do you have any leftover pirate costumes from last summer, or — "

"Oh, piss off," I interrupted, swatting his shoulder as we started walking back toward the castle.

"No, no, please, I need to know," he said. "If we're going to call ourselves pirates — "

I rolled my eyes. "We can figure out our branding later. In the meantime, you need to worry about how you're going to tell your family about this."

"We need to worry about that," Ron corrected me. "The fact that your last name is Diggory and your hair is brown doesn't mean you're not a Weasley at this point. Fred and George and Ginny will throw a fit over you leaving, at the very least."

I wasn't sure how to respond to that. Ron seemed to understand, because he patted my shoulder.

"Just enjoy your first couple days of summer, alright? We can figure out how to tell the family, together, later."

I nodded, sighing. "Thanks. I'm not saying a word about Harry's whereabouts that night, by the way. If anyone asks, we don't know where he was with Dumbledore or what he was doing."

"Sounds good to me. Oh, there's Ginny, I think, with Fred and George and Henry."

Surely enough, those four were cresting the nearest hill, and they waved when they spotted us. I waved back, and Ron followed suit.

"Mum and Dad apparated home with Bill and Fleur before Bill's new face could get sunburned," Fred explained once we were close enough to hear him. "We offered to retrieve you two and drop Ron and Ginny off at the Burrow before we brought you to the shop."

I rubbed the back of my neck apprehensively. "Your mum won't object to me being there, even for a bit?"

"No, she won't," George said, face softening. "She said in no uncertain terms she expects all of us at dinner tonight."

"Tonight?" I squeaked. "Not Sunday?"

"We have plans Sunday," Fred replied with a small smile.

"Another ridiculous and risky but fun and foundational life experience?" I asked.

Henry shrugged. "It was my idea, so I'm not sure about all of that, but the four of us will be busy Sunday evening so Mrs. Weasley wanted to have dinner all together tonight. It'll be okay. I promise she doesn't hate you for what was accidentally said the other night."

I nodded, anxiety tying my stomach in knots.

Ginny darted over and grabbed me by the hand. "I want to apparate with Lucy! She's the best at it."

"If you say so," I replied. "Anyway, I'll meet you boys at the shop, assuming you got my trunk via Floo this morning?"

"We did. Take Henry with you, though, you shouldn't go alone," George said.

"As an apparator or a burden?" I asked.

Henry flushed. "Er — might not be a difference, I'm afraid."

"I was just teasing," I said, extending an elbow to Henry and linking elbows with Ginny. "This is more reliable than hand-holding. I did only get my license a month ago."

In the Melancholy Moonlight, Part 5: Dark MatterWhere stories live. Discover now