Chapter 241: Fine, Fine, Fine, Fine, Fine

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"ALL STUDENTS, TO THE HOSPITAL WING!" Professor McGonagall shouted suddenly.

"But, Professor — " Lucy started to protest.

Professor McGonagall shook her head. "ALL!"

We could tell she meant business, so we started to comply. I sent one last spell at the Death Eater I was dueling — a non-verbal Full Body-Bind Curse that hit its mark — and rushed over to where Lucy was crouched with her back to me beside Neville, who'd gotten injured trying to rush onto the staircase none of us had realized had been barricaded with some nasty curse.

"How are you, Neville?" I asked.

"'M alright," he replied. "Been worse."

"Can you walk if we help you?" Lucy asked. When Neville nodded, Lucy hopped over Neville to his other side. I was surprised to see that she was bleeding in several places, more cut up than what should have been possible with the Felix Felicis considering I only had a couple of scratches on my arms and Neville was only hurt because he'd run face-first into a curse. I didn't have time to focus on that, though, because Lucy was talking to me. "Okay, you can get under his shoulder on that side, and I'll — "

Before she could finish her sentence, there was a loud explosion. I whirled around just as the ceiling started to cave in. Miraculously, though, a purple Shield Charm cracked into place. I turned back around to see Lucy with her arms raised, blue eyes blazing with protective fire.

Simultaneously, inexplicably, Snape and Malfoy reappeared, rushing down the same stairs Neville had gotten hurt trying to climb.

"THE CEILING FALLING BROKE THE CURSE ON THE STAIRS!" Lucy yelled for anyone who could hear her, collapsing the Shield Charm around us and grabbing Neville by an arm. "Gin, help me drag him to safety, I think everything's about to get even worse."

I grabbed his other arm immediately, and we dragged him out of immediate danger. Lucy erected another purple Shield Charm around him, and not a second too soon. More Death Eaters poured in from the Astronomy Tower.

Lucy was on her feet in an instant, charging toward the fight, and I was right on her heels.

I fired a spell at a short but sturdily-built Death Eater, who managed to deflect the spell only at the last second. He turned on us with an eerie grin, firing three spells in rapid succession. Lucy shoved me behind her and cast a Shield Charm that successfully deflected all three. She shot two streams of fire from her hands, one purple and one scarlet, which knocked the Death Eater off of his feet.

Once he was on the ground, we could see the staircase. Harry, inexplicably, had appeared, taking the steps two at a time. But just before he reached the bottom, Fenrir Greyback pounced.

"NO!" Lucy screamed, sprinting forward, running directly over the Death Eater on the floor.

"PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!" Harry shouted as he jammed his wand at Greyback's throat.

The Full Body-Bind Curse, however, did nothing. It was at that moment I started running to help Harry too.

"WHAT THE FUCK — " Lucy lifted her hands again with a loud roar of fury, blasting Greyback off of Harry and into the wall with two concussive Stunning Spells. "HARRY, YOU DON'T HAVE FELIX, RUN! GO TO THE HOSPITAL WING! HARRY, RUN!"

He scrambled to his feet and did as she asked without question. I found this strange — Harry was never one to just blindly obey orders, even Lucy's, let alone while someone was still in danger, especially Lucy — but Lucy didn't appear to think twice about it so I figured I shouldn't either.

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