Child of Poseidon

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A/n: Hey! so idk but I have been wanting to write this for a while but this is gonna be long so buckle up. So for starters there is gonna be some spoilers but Ik & trust y'all not to ruin the books for people who have not, therefore Jason is let's say in this book ok? Some of y'all know what I'm saying so.... Also the seven ( Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Jason, Leo, Frank, and Hazel ) plus Calypso, Nico, Will, and Thalia are in this so yay pinecone face is in it! Also if the title doesn't give it away you are a child of 🌊 ( I'm gonna be using she/her pronouns for this, so sry in advance ) Percy and y/n are close because they siblings in this. Also annabeth and y/n are like best friends in this because during the lost hero and the son of Neptune they got really close and annabeth taught y/n to fight and tons of architecture so y/n is practically the daughter of Athena... Also this means Greek I could not remember the name of the stile of writing,

Warnings: Swearing, idk if some parts are spoilers, thoughts of cheating, and btw really long ( the longest I've made)

Words: 1548

Y/n's POV:

Here I am sitting with my boyfriend Mattheo. The only problem you may ask I have to cancel our date thanks to my stupid fucking brother thinking that he can help us demigods with adhd and dyslexia stop another fucking war. So a little backstory Im the daughter of Poseidon and my brother is his son. Im is Slytherin and well actually all of us demigods are. It's because of our trauma but if we didn't have trauma I would be in ravenclaw with annabeth and Percy with the puffs along with hazel and frank and will. Jason and piper in Gryffindor and Thalia, Reyna, and Nico with Slytherin. That's beside the point. So back to the problem. I have to cancel our date and I know Mattheo is going to be frustrated because I had to cancel our last one and the time before that one too. So how do I tell him. I mean I guess I should tell you what happened to make me cancel our date right?

************* seven minutes before canceling the date *************

I'm in the great hall for dinner on Friday night eating and waiting for the rest of my friends to come down while I sit with my boyfriend's friends. Soon I see all of my girl friends walk into the hall arguing with my brother about something. Also did I mention that my boyfriend doesn't know I'm related to Percy or that demigods exist or that I've been on several different quests running around trying to stop wars from breaking loose. Once the girls sit down annabeth sits down next to me and Percy on her left while I'm on the right with my boyfriend on the other side of me. Hazel sits down in front of me giving me an apologetic smile towards me and annabeth staring daggers at her boyfriend because she can't use her dagger in the great hall. I want to ask what's going on but before I can Percy taps my shoulder and asks to speak with me while Mattheo is about to kick his ass and starring another pair of daggers at him. I sigh and agree to go with him to speak with him outside the great hall.

As I walk outside the great hall I'm about to beat his ass but decided against it because I didn't need another detention.

" what Percy " I ask annoyed

" so hey ummmmm Ineedyoutocancelyourdatebecausineedyoutohelpmewithyouknow and I'm really sorry " he says so fast I'm not sure I heard him correctly. But I know what I heard and I don't want to help him but I mean I kinda have to.

" gods Percy can't you do it on your own? " I ask frustrated

" haha funny but you know we have to and besides it's fun and z already hates my guts and if you don't go albus will get mad and besides mom promised to make us all blue cookies if we practice fighting and she said she would send them on mail day extra early thanks to Hermes. " Percy said like his life depended on it because it did. I love mom's blue cookies.

" fine but if you are lying about what mom is doing I will break your fucking spine and I wound help will fix you " I said with all seriousness. I signed getting ready to walk away when he pulled me into a hung and gave me a kiss on the cheek before saying I love you. I said that I loved him too before I then turned around and flipped him off walking back to my seat. Hazel just said sorry and Nico appeared next to her and laughed to himself. I knew he heard what I said. He can shadow travel for fucks sakes.

************* back to present time *************

So ya that's what happened and it turns out I have to help with soward fighting tonight at the ROR ( room of requirements ) so I guess tell Mattheo?

" hey Mattheo? " I asked him softly as he looked mad and like he was about to rip off someone's head.

" yes? " he questioned annoyed

" I'm so sorry butihavetocancelourdate" I said so fast I'm surprised he didn't get whiplash

" ok " is all he said before everyone in my friend group got up and decided to get ready for training. I got up as well and tried to give Mattheo a kiss but he quickly dodged and I frowned and let it go so I could get ready. I wonder what's on his mind?

Mattheos POV:

First she barely says anything to me then leaves with Percy and then i see her kiss him and give him a hug and then she has the audacity to come back like everything is fine and cancel our date that's in an hour???!!!??? I can't believe this woman. So I mean I guess I should tell you how I got here.

************* to the same time y/n left the great hall ************

I just sat down with my girlfriend and I'm about to talk to her when her friends come and sit down. Suddenly Percy walks up behind her at tells her he needs to talk to her. I'm starting daggers at him but she still gets up and walks out the great hall. I think she is cheating on me here is why I think so.

* she barely is around *
* she is always hanging out with her friends *
* she has been talking to this Peter for an while oh sorry "PeRcY" a lot *
* she has been canceling dates and disappearing for our dates *
* when questioned about being gone or canceling dates the stories are inconsistent and she stumbles on words *
* and now this shit ⬇️ *

As she leaves I decided to fallow her because when she leaves with him and comes back she cancels our dates. As I follow her out of the great hall, I see her hugging Percy. she's fucking hugging him. Proceeds to kiss her chief and tell her he loves her and what she says back. I love you too before walking away. She literally kissed him. This is all I need to know that she is cheating on me. I've been suspicious, but I've been giving her the benefit of the doubt because I love her and I opened up to her. I can't believe she out of all people did this to me. Now I know I know I'm gonna ruin her life piece by piece. She's gonna be an outcast to everyone even her own friendgroup. She's gonna regret ever cheating on me.

A/n: hey guys! So what do we think? I worked hard on this and I'm hoping y'all love it as much as me this is obviously part 1 out off ??? I don't know yet but I'm not going to give up on this like my other stories! I got this idea off of the usernames hunterof_artemis88 and Lyra_Nightshade so idk why they made it their username but I can only hope it's because there are fans of PJO,HoO, and ToA books. I mean that's my only guess but if I'm that daft to think that and they just thought of that as their username then I guess I'm the only PJO and other books like that fan but hey I made this for myself and I thought that you guys might like it so let me know what y'all think! (Btw I'm not an old man that writes books for a living and is also making a tv show based off them and name is Rick ) <what I'm saying is that I do not own these characters like Percy or Nico>

Also did u know I had to fucking rewrite half of the chapter! My fucking dumb ass thought "oh wait I didn't put the word count let me write that before I post it " while I pressed the publish button so I literally lost half of my work somehow! Whoopsie so here I am at midnight rewriting it.

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