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Park Jimin marched into the Rosa Calvaria mansion. The mansion that belonged to the

retaining Dracula (that's what they call the one in charge of keeping the town running and

overseeing everything else), his mother. So the mansion was technically his home but Jimin

liked to joke that he was just a guest passing through the town and he was only using one of

the mansion's many rooms as his pastime.

The mansion was the first building built on this valley when Jimin's vampire ancestors first

settled down. It remains the only oldest building in Death Rose town that hadn't changed its

exterior architecture much which was for a pretty good reason. Most of the town's aesthetic

had changed from its early gothic 1800's vibe to a very bright and 21st century town. If any

human strays wandered into Death Rose town, they wouldn't even be able to tell that this was

a vampire town, full of vampires.

Jimin was proud of the mansion because it still held its old gothic aesthetics and when seen

from afar, it looked like a dark shadow looming over a peaceful town.

"ABOUT DAMN TIME BLOOM!", Jimin's mother called from the living room. She must've

heard him come in." IT'S ALREADY GOING UP TO SIX O'CLOCK !"

Jimin rolled his eyes at the name and swayed down the corridor. If he was dramatic, his

mother was the queen of dramatic-ness- if that's even a word- but he supposed the apple

never falls far from the tree. Just look at him, the embodiment of his mother through and


"Mum! The name!", Jimin whined and took a seat near one of the couches. The tall window

drapes were open to let the moonlight stream in and Jimin felt a calming relief wiggle up his

toes at the sight of the moon slowly coming out in the darkening sky.

"BLOOM! I told you to come home as fast as possible", his mother said, ignoring his

whines." This message is important!".

"You didn't specify how important", Jimin grinned.

"Enough of your sas young man!", His mother barked.

His mother walked to the cabinet and poured herself a glass of whiskey and one for Jimin

before returning. She handed him the glass along with a letter in an unsealed envelope.

Jimin peeped the seal of the Claire de Lune Pack and not the Evening Primrose Sub-Pack.

The whiskey burned his throat and he coughed.

"-from the main pack?", he choked out, double taking to see the seal properly.

His mother nodded." It's the official summons for your father's pack to present an eligible

Omega for the Alpha Prince's Blooming Season".

Jimin cranked an eyebrow." I'm sorry-the what now?"

"The Blooming Season Jimin...for the king's son", his mother repeated as if he should know


Jimin shrugged." I don't even know what that is"

His mother hit him on the head." Have you been skipping your wolf studies! Yah! Park

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