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Jungkooks sister groaned as she joined him outside their fathers study.

You're the one in trouble so why the fuck does he want me here too?, Jihyo glared at

Jungkook and the alpha male shrugged, keeping his face emotionless. Great! You're not


The door burst open and the alpha siblings fixed their posture before they strolled in.

Good morning father, Luna greeted as they walked up and took separate seats facing their


The alpha king didn't look like his merry self this morning and the siblings knew why. He

slammed the society paper onto the table and growled, making both the siblings sit straighter.

WHAT.IS.THE.MEANING.OF.THIS?,he hissed. When the siblings kept quiet and didn't

answer him, the king slammed his fists onto the table. WHAT THE FUCK IS THE


Father, I can ex-, Jungkook started.

SILENCE LUNE!, the alpha boomed. Do you know how important the Primrose pack is

to Claire de Lune?

Both Jihyo and Jungkook nodded but the king chuckled darkly.

No i dont think you do because why the fuck are you bullying their pledge Lune!? Do you

understand that they are Claire de Lunes only supplier of medicine and herbs? Do you

understand that their alliance is important?

Yes father, Jungkook replied, his eyes down-casted. I'm sorry.

You don't need to apologize to me, His father growled. Go apologize to Jimin,Lune.and


Jihyo looked up.''What did i do!? I'm not the one who fucked up!

The king ran a hand through his hair. Luna, i've asked you to help your brother so where

were you when he was going around breaking rules!? You're supposed to keep him in line so

why did I hear stories of you drinking your life away at the pub in the commoners square?

Luna looked at her father in shock.

You think the king doesn't know everything!?the alpha laughed but it didn't reach his eyes.

Even if you hide it well, I will still find out about it and I want you to stop this Luna, focus on

taking care of your brother.

Jungkook didn't expect his sister to shoot up from her seat. Why the fuck do I have to share

all his problems and look after him!? He's a fucking adult! He can do it himself! I'm fucking

tired of taking care of him! Wasn't the last nineteen enough for both of you!? Haven't I done

enough!? Stop treating me like I'm just here to look after him! I'm your daughter too!

And then Jihyo stood up and stormed out of the room leaving her father and brother looking

at her in surprise.


Jimin watched as the sun finally dipped below the top of the trees. He sighed and sipped his

tea. He had really wanted to go to that party but after being embarrassed like that by the

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