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"I want to go to him", Jungkook mumbled as he sat beside Jihyo in the temple. Their father's

body was laid out on the altar.

Luna didn't reply. Every little emotion had left her body. She had cried until there were no

tears left for her to cry anymore and so she sat like a statue and stared at their father.

Jungkook turned to her.

"Please Luna."Jungkook begged, grabbing his sister's cold hands." Please let me go to him.

Let me see him one last time before he leaves. I know what's coming for us and I'll stay by

your side through it all, I'm just asking you for this one thing.. please".

"He remembers.", Luna muttered, not looking at her brother." He remembers you and he

has bonded you to him. Isn't that enough? Our father's corpse is lying here and all you can

think about is Park Jimin? What the fuck is wrong with you!?"

Jungkook flinched." I didn't mean to-"

His sister turned to him, her eyes narrowed.

"This is all your fault!", She yelled and Jungkook saw her Alpha shift beneath the depths of

her eyes and for the first time in his life, Jungkook was scared. He was scared of what

monster his sister had been hiding beneath her skin.''ALL. YOUR.FAULT!"

She was held back by Namjoon who suddenly appeared out of nowhere before she could tear

out Jungkook's eyes.

"Your fault Lune!", She cried, slacking against Namjoon's arms as she turned her face away

and buried it into the other Alpha's chest." I hate you! I HAVE NEVER HATED YOU SO


Jungkook felt the tears gather at the corner of his eyes as he watched his sister break down

crying again.

He hated this feeling of not knowing how to comfort his own sister when he too was feeling

the same pain. That's why he wanted to see Jimin. He thought the hybrid could ease some of

his pain at least.

Namjoon nodded towards the door at Jungkook.

"Go", he mouthed." I'll take care of her but come back as soon as possible".

The prince nodded and stood up. He took a glance at his father's body before we walked out

of the temple quietly, still crying with a heavy heart.

It didn't take him long to find the room Jimin was in. He could smell him very clearly now

that they were bonded.

Jungkook pushed the door open slowly and was glad to see the room was empty except for

the little heap on the bed.

He walked forward, his ears twitching at the soft inhales and exhales the hybrid was taking.

Jungkook sat on the bed near the sleeping boy and reached a hand out to clear the hair from

his face.

"Where were you all night Jimin?", he asked, caressing the hybrid's hair." I looked for you

everywhere and I almost fell in love with a stranger last night...but then you came sweeping

in as if you knew I was in trouble. How did you know?"

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