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Jungkook felt the air being knocked out of his lungs as someone crashed into him, flinging

them across the room. He heard his sisters first scream for their father and then the

overbearing scent of the ocean filled his senses as he fell down, the person who had pushed

him out of the way, falling on top of him in suit.

There was a brief second of silence before he heard the estranged cry his sister let out. He

looked up in time to see that it wasJimin who had pushed him out of the way, shielding him

with his body.

The look on the hybrid's face told him everything he needed to know about what had made

his sister cry out but he wouldn't acceptno he couldn't.

His eyes left Jimins and went to the scene in front of them.

His fathers lifeless body without the head attached was lying beneath the throne and the

vampire that had ripped his head off was standing on top of it with a sinister look of hunger

in his eyes as he licked the blood off his fingers.

He saw his sister struggling to get out of Namjoons grip as the other alpha held her tightly,

not letting her go.

He saw the horror register in the peoples eyes and then the uproar and screaming started as

people started fleeing from the courtyard. Chaos broke out as he saw Luna finally break out

of Namjoon's arm and rogues as well as other wolves flooding into the ballroom.

Something broke in the alpha as he saw the rogue that had killed his father look right at him

and smirk. Jungkook let out a strangled cry and then he howled as he felt Jimin squeeze his

hand. He saw Luna let out a similar howl but hers was the most broken sound a wolf could

howl. He saw the tears streaming down her face as he charged towards the vampire that had

just missed her by inches and Jungkook felt her pain from across the room like he had felt

when he saw his mother's lifeless body.

He had never been his father's favorite child even though he knew his father tried his hardest

to be fair to both of them when their mother died, but somewhere deep down,he knew his

father loved Jihyo a little bit more than him and he was content with that because it was the

same way his mother loved him just a little bit more than she loved Luna. He was always his

mother's favorite and Luna was his father's favorite. When his mother died, Jungkook felt

like his whole world had come to a stop also and that he couldn't go on any longer.

He felt pain worse than he could ever imagine, it was like ripping half of himself away so he

understood the pain Luna was feeling and he knew his pain would never amount to the one

Luna was feeling because it just wasn't the same.

But seeing the pain in his sister's eyes made him see blood. He howled again before he was

charging towards the vampire that was holding onto his fathers head.

He felt Jimins presence beside him but he didn't have time to ask where Jimin had come

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