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Jimin danced two ballads with the beta before he realized something was wrong.

"Tae...have you been drinking?", he asked as they danced to the third ballad." You're not

acting like yourself".

The beta laughed and held his cheek." What does it matter if I have been drinking mmh?

Nobody gives a shit about me—"

"That's not true", Jimin protested." We give a shit about you. You're one of the kindest souls

I've ever met in my life and if we weren't different species, we could've been best friends or

soulmates in another lifetime. You're such a sweetheart and a person with a good heart".

"You think so?"Taehyung smiled bitterly." Because I don't feel so great tonight—I feel like

my heart is being crushed repeatedly and I'm just supposed to take the pain and go on".

Jimin looked at the beta and followed his line of gaze. Taehyung was looking at Yoongi

standing at the other end of the room, sipping wine and conversing with Seokjin.

"I thought he really liked me too, you know", the beta smiled sadly." I really did because I

like him alot and I'm talking 'I want to marry him beside a lake and I want to have his kids

and I want to build a home with him and—and I want to grow old with him' kinda like but I

guess he was just playing with my feelings and leading me on. Maybe Jungkook was right in

some ways, you vampires are mean, you don't consider others feelings except your own".

Jimin sighed and hugged the taller boy as he rested his head on Jimin's shoulder.

"He broke up with you?"

"We weren't even boyfriends so I can't say it was a break-up", Taehyung mumbled." Maybe it

is for the best. You guys will be leaving after next week and the ball. I'll probably never get to

see you guys again. Maybe it's for the best".

"Do you want me to talk to him?", Jimin asked quietly." Ask him why he's doing this?"

Taehyung sniffed, clearing his throat.

"It doesn't matter, he's already made up his mind".

They danced quietly with Taehyung resting his head on Jimin's shoulder until the music

stopped. People clapped and Jimin finally spotted where the music was coming from. He saw

that they were about to start on a new song and he pulled Taehyung with him out of the dance


The hybrid marched straight up to Yoongi and Seokjin with Taehyung trailing behind him.

"What did you do to him!?", he hissed at Yoongi, the elder didn't move a muscle but looked

at Jimin with a bored expression." He's been drinking alot, like A LOT".

Yoongi sighed." It's none of your business Jimin and I told him what needed to be said

already so just let it go".

Seokjin sipped his glass in awkward silence as he watched Jimin's face turn into a nasty look.

"Are fucking acting like an immature child right now Yoongi?", The hybrid barked. Some

people around them turned to look curiously. Jimin lowered his tone. " Take him home or

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