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The roadsides were littered with primroses, the official mark of the Primrose Sub-Pack as

Jungkook drove into the village.

Jimin had stopped talking and watched in silence as they passed the line of flowers and went

into a line of trees, the road turned from gravel to dirt the further in they went until they

arrived at the other side.

It was just as Jimin had remembered. Little cottages built inline into the trees with stone

paved roads leading to them. There was no road here, only a clearing where children were

playing. This was only one part of the village, the rest was on the other side.

Jungkook parked his car in what looked like the general car park for everyone. It seemed like

not a lot of people in Primrose owned cars and they were the part of Claire de Lune that

hasn't cleared out places to build proper infrastructures. It just looked the same as Jimin

remembered or as much as his memory could conquer up.

"We have to walk from here to Alpha Park's Manor", Jungkook explained as he got out of the

car and Jimin followed in suit." As you can see, they don't have roads so we can't drive


Jimin nodded and took in the village again, breathing in softly. " It smells nostalgic.the

village hasn't changed since I've been here, at least from what I remember".

"Primrose village preferred it this way", Jungkook informed him." My father had offered to

build them proper roads for access but the people like their lives the way it is. The ones who

are ambitious enough, find their way to the main village and some even outside of the


Jungkook gave his arm." Care to join me on this walk, my lord".

Jimin slapped his arm away." I can walk by myself, thank you very much".

The Alpha chuckled as he followed behind the hybrid.

Jimin strolled into the village and as soon as he set foot, he could feel the change in the

atmosphere as the children playing stopped to look at him. He could feel the eyes of passing

alphas narrow and the omegas look at him in pity or disgust, he didn't know but he could feel

what they were all thinking.

He didn't belong here.

"Hey", Jungkook called, taking his hand and squeezing as they walked side by side." Relax,

they're just surprised to see a half vampire boldly walking into their village with the alpha

prince.I'm sure your father has informed them but you know how people are".

I know how people are. Jimin thought bitterly as he tried to avoid the obvious gazes. People

don't change.

When his father had bought here when he was still a child, it was night and a lot of people

hadn't seen him until he appeared in the village square one day, picking flowers and sticking

them into his basket. It has caused an uproar amongst the people about what he was until his

father had arrived and whisked him away from those prying eyes and running mouths. He

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