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"Taehyungie", Jimin comforted sadly as Beta cried into his chest, hugging him tightly.

" I'm so sorry, love. You don't deserve to be hurting like this. I swear to the Goddess I will run

a stake through his heart if I have to. I don't know what is wrong with him but Yoongi is

acting too childish about this".

The hybrid patted Taehyung's back and then kissed his hair softly.

"Come on, stop crying now", Jimin urged, drawing soothing circles into the Beta's back." We

have so many exciting things coming up, I don't want you to mop around. Forget about

Yoongi for a day or two and let's just have fun".

The beta sniffed." You're right...I shouldn't dwell on this. What was I expecting anyways?".

At the same time as Jimin was comforting the Beta in front of his place, Ivy pulled up to the

car park only to see the other two men comforting each other.

"Gotcha!", the omega muttered with a triumphant smirk as she pulled her phone out and took

a few snaps of the scene in front of her." Poor Park Jimin...now you really have no chance in

the Blooming Season. Too bad, I was just starting to like the competition you posed".

According to the Blooming Season rules, omega pledges weren't allowed to see anyone/have

a relationship or sexual relationship with someone else while participating. Ivy smiled with

content as she put her car in reverse and headed for the palace.

Jimin helped Taehyung get into the shower before he decided to make some simple food for

the Beta to eat and appease his stomach.

By the time Taehyung had woofed down the hurried lunch, Jimin was ready to go out again.

"Don't worry, yoongi won't be around", Jimin assured the beta." He knows he fucked up big

time... he's probably beating himself somewhere and might turn up when were about to


Taehyung nodded." I'm not worried about running into him..I'm worried about him—

especially now that ...."

Jimin looked up as the Beta drifted away." Especially now what?".

"It doesn't matter", Taehyung waved away but he seemed to be really worried." Can you just

—just make sure he is okay and alive?"

Jimin shrugged." I'll call or text him. I need you to be active, come on Tulip. I need the old

Taehyung back to help me get through this day..can you do that?"

The beta looked at him and when Jimin pouted, he sighed and picked his jacket up.

"I'll try but I'm not promising anything"

Jimin smiled." Trying is enough".

Jimin decided they should meet at the commoners square instead of him going back home so

he pulled out his phone once Taehyung and him were settled in the car and Taehyung had

started the car.

"You didn't drink right.?", Jimin stopped the beta halfway." Because you cannot drive if

you're drunk".

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