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The tea party was to start at 5pm so Jimin took his time getting ready when Sunday drew

around. Taehyung had come over to take Yoongi with him somewhere..

Jimin exchanged knowing looks with Seokjin as Yoongi muttered and fused about not

wanting to go with the Beta but still pulling on his coat and fixing his hair as Taehyung

waited patiently on the coach with his puppy eyes following the vampire's every move.

"You like him that much?", Jimin whispered to Taehyung even though he knew Yoongi could

hear them both.

"Mmh", The beta agreed with a dreamy smile." I liked him the first time I met him.even

though he was scary—is still scary".

"You know", Jimin smiled fondly." He's never been like this with anyone before, not even

vampires who sought his hand"

"I think you might have mentioned that", Taehyung replied as he watched the vampire."

Maybe he just never met the right person"

"Until you", The hybrid squeezed Taehyung's hand." He might be dense but he does have a

good soul so go easy on him, will you?"

Taehyung nodded." I will".

"Let's go Tulip", Yoongi called from the door."Or do you have some more things you need to

discuss with Jimin"

Taehyung springed up from the couch.

"Coming! Good luck on the tea party Jimin and remember to smile".

Jimin laughed and pushed him to go.

"I'm so jealous", Jin sighed and sat down beside Jimin." Why can't I find love too? Or is this

face so pretty that people are too cautious to approach me? Aishh, why was I born too

handsome for this world?".

Jimin chuckled." You're so full of yourself, maybe that's why

Yahh!, Seokjin hished and threw a pillow at him. Go and start getting ready or you might

as well miss the Tea Party.

Hoseok came into the living room. I fixed your bath Jimin, you may take it now.

Jimin smiled gratefully and headed inside.

The omega sat down and sighed.

You must be tired, Seokjin observed. Why don't you take a break tonight and visit your

mother? Eat some healthy homemade meals and gain your strength for the week ahead


Hoseok smiled. I could but Jimin is my-

Aissh none of that now, Seokjin waved away. I'll take care of him when he comes back

from the tea party.

But what if-

No what ifs.It's just a tea party with omegas, what could possib;y go wrong?

What could possibly go wrong indeed?

By 5pm, Hoseok pulled up to the Nest. He handed a box with a pretty bow in it to Jimin.

What's this?, Jimin asked as he got down.

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