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Jungkook thought this was funny when they entered the tent. Of course he was surprised that

the girl knew his name but he supposed a lot of people knew his name.

No-one calls you by your second name though. His wolf pointed out.

Some people do. Jungkook defended.

When the girl asked about what he wanted to see, the alpha was the first to speak up about

not knowing what to choose but deep down he knew what he wanted to see. He wanted to see

what his decision tonight might result in so instead of wishing for the past where he could see

his mother again, Jungkook hoped for the future when he gulped his sweet tea down. Nothing

happened for a few minutes at first and then the room swirled.

He blacked out before he knew what was happening.

Is this a dream?

I think it's the future. His wolf replied as they appeared in the courtyard of the palace again.

Jungkook looked up and around. It was the same decorations as tonight.

So does this happen tomorrow? He wondered and then he stepped on something and

Jungkook looked down. The scream he let out was horrific. It was his father, neck slitted and

fresh blood gushing from his wound. Jungkook felt the tears sting his eyes as he saw the

puncture mark of vampire bites. He turned around to see Namjoon's lifeless body beside

Luna and that's when the tears started coming down.

Jimin. He thought as he ran around the bloodied courtyard looking for the hybrid but then he

remembered that Jimin might've not been at the ball so Jungkook returned to his father and

sisters lifeless body.

He heard someone groan and grunt and the alpha turned. At the corner of the courtyard,

Jungkook saw himself, slain but not dead yet, blood dripping down from his mouth and

slashes on his chest. He was wearing the same clothes and his mask was no longer on his


What the fuck happened? Jungkook sobbed as looked down on his own lifeless body. How is

this possible!?

And then the ground beneath his feet shifted and he was back in the tent on a couch.

Jimin woke up in confusion on the chair he had been sitting in. His head was laying on the

table and the cup of half drank tea ws still beside him. He lifted his head slowly and turned to

see Lune sitting on a couch he hadn't seen when they first came in. The alpha seemed

shocked and there was a certain kind of fear present in his eyes.

Jimin cleared his throat. Where's—?

AH! I see you have both woken up—, the young girl said, appearing around a curtain.

Lune seemed to jolt awake at her voice and stood up suddenly.

We're leaving, the alpha announced and looked at Jimin pointedly. The girl smiled and

turned to jimin as if asking him if he wanted to leave also.

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