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Jimin didn't know the time could run so fast because before he could even catch a breath,

Hoseok was helping him into the dark red and black outfit that Hibiscus had sent over. The

outfit had little golden lines of roses embroidered on the hems and sleeves.

"It's so pretty", Jimin gushed as he looked down on the material." I feel beautiful".

"You are beautiful", Hoseok pointed out with a smile as he adjusted the outfit and then sat

Jimin down. The omega patted his hair neatly in the middle before braiding both sides and

pinning it at the back of his head with another one of those unique hair pins that seem to

appear in Jimin's dressing table out of the blue.

"Where do you even get those?", The hybrid questioned.

"Get what?"

Jimin gestured to the hair pin." Where do you get them?".

"They're a set specially made for your use", Hoseok replied." I got them the first time we

went to see Hibiscus, why?".

Jimin shrugged as the Omega started to apply make-up on his face." No reason. I just thought

they're pretty".

The omega chuckled." You child, find everything pretty and beautiful...I wish I could see the

world through your eyes one day".

"That's why you gotta live a little Sunny", Jimin mumbled." Take a break and treat yourself.

Experience life outside of Claire de Lune, I promise you'll be a changed person when you


"I'm sure I will be'', Hoseok mused while applying eyeliner before stepping back." THERE!

Now you look like a fresh petal of primrose on a bright morning, give me a smile and let me

have that pretty face, come on".

Jimin smiled and opened his eyes to look at the omega. Hoseok smiled back and gave him a

thumbs up.

"With the way you look right now", the Omega said." Alpha's will be all over you in no time

when we arrive".

"I have no plans to talk to any of them", Jimin scoffed and stood up to check the outfit again."

We're just going to have fun and besides.I owe only one person a dance".

"I think I know who it is", Hoseok teased as he handed Jimin a pair of pearl drop earrings."

Put these on. They're gorgeous".

Jimin put the earrings on before turning to Hoseok. The hybrid clapped and finally handed

Jimin the mask box.

"Here.open it and let's see your mask".

Jimin released a breath he didn't know he was holding and finally and slowly lifted the lid off

the enclosed box.

A full face mask stared back at him. It was red and black with red roses and some pokey

things that made up the crown. The face of the mask itself was painted and the longer Jimin

stared at it, the stronger he thought he could feel the enchanting pull of the mask.

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