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Jimin hesitated before he slowly offered his hand.

The alpha held it gently and took a look at two of his fingers that he had burned on the hot

pan. They were turning a nasty shade of red.

"Do you have a first aid kit somewhere?", Jungkook asked as he carefully inspected the burn.

"We should put some soothing cream on this before it gets worse...does it hurt?".

Jimin nodded.

"A lot or just mild?"

"Mild", Jimin replied quietly.

"Okay, show me where you keep the first aid kit", Jungkook instructed as he helped the

hybrid up.

Jimin walked over to the other side of the kitchen and opened a cupboard. Hoseok had shown

him where it was just in case and he was so grateful the Omega was thinking ahead because

he didn't know how he would find it amidst all these happening at once.

Jungkook pulled the lit out and opened it on the table before taking out the soothing cream.

He reached for Jimin's hand again and the hybrid gave it.

"Aww!", The hybrid hissed as Jungkook slowly rubbed the cream into the affected pads of his

fingers. "It stings—"

Jungkook looked up at him. "It's supposed to".

Once he was satisfied with the cream, Jungkook picked up two band aids and put them

carefully over the burns. " This will help it heal faster".

Jungkook let go of his hand and started to pack the first aid kit back together.

"Thank you", Jimin muttered as he looked at his fingers before remembering the Kimchi fried

rice and going to check it. It was still warm and they could have it without the eggs. If he

could just make the carbonara in the next minutes, they would have dinner soon and then it

would be over so the prince wouldn't have to pretend to be nice anymore.

Jimin started to put the ingredients for the carbonara together.

"What are you doing?", The alpha asked as he joined him at the counter.

"Cooking the next main course", Jimin replied." You can sit down or take a look around

while I finish up or maybe you would like some appetizers while you wait—"

"Jimin", Jungkook called and the hybrid's head whipped around at the first time Jungkook

said his name. He felt his heart skip a beat and mentally slapped himself.

You hate him! Remember!? What are you doing skipping at the sound of him calling your

name!? Omg! He screamed at himself as he tried to look as normal as possible to the Alpha.

"Mmh?"He asked, turning back to the task at hand.

"I'll cook", Jungkook stated as he took the knife out of Jimin's hand." Why don't you sit


The hybrid looked taken aback." No—I'm supposed to cook. Are you trying to mock me

about my cooking skills, your highness?"

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