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"Are you excited for tomorrow?"

Jimin turned away from staring at the outfit Hibiscus had sent for him to wear tomorrow.

Hoseok was standing in the doorway of his room with a smile. Jimin found himself smiling

along with the omega.

There was just something contagious about Hoseok's smile, it was like a ray of sunshine

breaking through everything that was dark and lonely.

"I am", Jimin nodded honestly." Even if the prince doesn't like me, I'll do my part with as

much enthusiasm as I did for attending his Blooming Season... so , yeah,I am excited for


Hoseok walked forward and touched the fabric of the outfit.

"It's so gorgeous", he breathed out." It's going to look even prettier on you".

"Thank you", Jimin smiled shyly.

"I want you to know that no matter what the people say...", Hoseok said quietly, taking a seat

beside the hybrid." You are perfect just the way you are. You don't have to change yourself to

meet anyone's expectations okay? You do you and the world will fall into place ... .I know

many of the people have opinions about you and that might make you nervous or even scared

but pay them no heed and do you okay? You'll be great tomorrow".

Jimin nodded, squeezing the Omega's hands.

"May I ask you something Hoseok?"

"Go ahead darling, I'm listening"

"Eeerrh what exactly are we doing tomorrow?"

Hoseok laughed." Well that depends on what's in the schedule but mostly, the prince will be

asking you about yourself and you him. It's like an orientation with the prince, don't worry,

you'll be great at it, I just know!".

Jimin smiled." Oh thank goodness! I thought I was just going to be following him around the


"Nonsense!", Hoseok laughed and got up, pulling Jimin with him." Now, you should eat

something darling and then I'll put on a face mask that I have prepared for your face...you

already have perfect skin but it doesn't hurt to give it some shine eh?".

"You're so thought", Jimin commented as he followed behind the omega.

The living room was occupied by Seokjin and Taehyung who seemed to be discussing

something over a pint of wine. Jimin tuned into their conversation.

"—so you can still get drunk even though you're technically dead?" The beta was asking and

Jin nodded." What about the sun? I saw that it doesn't affect you guys?"

"Of course the sun doesn't affect us!", Jin exclaimed." We're humans too! Just dead. Who's

been making up these outrageous superstitions!?"

Taehyung grimaced." I'm afraid everyone".

Seokjin huffed." This is why right information is important".

"What about garlic?"Taehyung piped up." Do you hate garlic and does it burn your skin?".

Jin laughed out loud." Of course not but the holy water superstition is true...we cannot be

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