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Hoseok started at the new edition of the midnight lady's paper and the note that was sent from

the palace.

"What bullshit is this!?", He exclaimed as he stared at the official note for task two of the

Blooming Season." We can help but not with the main course!? What utter nonsense!".

Jimin, who had just woken up and was having breakfast, poked his head from the dining area.

"What is sunny?"he asked with concern.

Hoseok looked at him then back to the note and groaned out in frustration.

"It's a freaking dinner! How much more creativity do they want!"The omega handed the note

to Jimin and the hybrid read through it.

"I don't know how to cook.", Jimin mumbled." Sunny..I don't know how to cook".

"What's going on?"Yoongi and Seokjin arrived. They had gone out again to the borders in

hopes of finding anything for Yoongi but it seemed like it was no use and Yoongi had been

looking paler and paler everyday that he was not feeding.

"It's a dinner date", Hoseok said and both the Vampires looked at him in confusion so he tried

to clarify." For the second task this week, it's a dinner date. The pledges are to home make

dinner and we're not allowed to help except with the side annoying is that!?".

Jin looked concerned." But...Jimin doesn't know how to cook".

"Exactly", Hoseok nodded." I think they have it out for Jimin this time. The prince is not a

picky eater but he knows what kind of food is good and what is bad".

"YOONGI!", Jimin shrieked and ran to the elder as he collapsed. Jimin caught him in time

before anything could happen. Jin and Hoseok also rushed to Jimin's side and helped Yoongi

onto the couch.

"Yoongi..are you okay?", Jimin asked worriedly as the vampire came around from his

fainting episode.

Seokjin pushed the other vampire's sleeve up and brought his arm up to his ears.

"He needs to feed", Jin stated." As soon as possible, there's not much blood in his system...

yoongi, I thought you said you could last another three to four days, how did you get so


I fed on him yesterday. The thought registered in Jimin's mind. I drained him of his strength!

"I—I fed on him yesterday to—to sedate my hunger", Jimin relayed." I must've took too

much blood from hom that's why he's going have to take him to some place

where there's humans Seokjin—"

"NO!—" Yoongi croaked out." One of us has to stay with you Jimin.Jin is staying. Tulip—

call tulip".

"Are you sure?", Jin asked hesitatingly. "We could bring Jimin—"

"No. He has to be here"

"I'll text the GC", Hoseok volunteered, bringing out his phone." I need help from Jihyo also


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