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[First Week]

Jimin couldn't sleep a wink all night . He tossed and turned and groaned in discomfort. The

pang of home sickness slowly settled into his guts. He missed his mother. He missed his bed

and the smell of the old mansion. He just missedhome.

He thought the elders felt it too. He heard Yoongi moving around the living room at 1am in

the morning and by 2am, he heard Jins soft padding on the floor as he joined the other

vampire. Jimin could hear them murmuring away about something and no they could sleep if

they wanted to but it was that feeling of being so far away from home that was eating away at

all of them or what had happened with the alpha a few hours ago.

Jimin wrapped himself in a blanket and walked out to the living room.

Cant sleep?, Yoongi murmured without looking at him.

Surely they must have heard him tossing and turning in the room.

Jin got up and turned to him with a smile. Want me to make you something sweet? There's

some things in the kitchen which i haven't figured out yet but i should know what hot

chocolate looks like.

Jimin nodded and sat on the sofa Jin had gotten up from.

Yoongi looked at him. Just say the word and I'll take you home Jimin ....

No Yoongi. I already made up my mind, Jimin assured. I'm staying.

The alpha seems to not like you, ' Yoongi pointed out. Why would they let you participate

if the alpha didn't like you in the first place?

Jimin shrugged. I'll have to ask my father about that tomorrow-

Yoongi sat up straighter. You're meeting your father tomorrow?

We, Jimin corrected. Were meeting my father tomorrow.

Jin returned from the kitchen with a mug. There's no hot chocolate but they did have a jug

and some jasmine tea so i made that.He took a seat beside jimin and handed him the cup.

Jimin took a sip and nearly spit out the tea. Did you put sugar in?

Jin looked at him in confusion. Does tea need sugar?

Jimin groaned and Yoongi chuckled.

The hybrid set the mug on the little table and laid down, putting his head on Seokjins lap.

The elder automatically patted his hair.

Tell me a story, Jimin mumbled.

What kind of story?

The story of the Alpha who fell in love with the fair lady of Death Rose town

Yoongi snickered. Haven't you heard that story a thousand times? and you're old enough

now Jimin

Jimin pouted. You know it's my favourite story.and I miss homeplease?

Oh silly!Seokjin laughed. You're still a baby aren't you? Our jimin is all grown up but

still so innocent aishh.

Jimin punched him playfully." I just want to hear the story again. About how my mom and

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