Chapter one

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Walking down the street seemed a lot more easier now, or so she thought,she surprisingly didn't feel tired from walking almost twenty minutes to reach her house at Redwood street. It seemed like the cold night breeze that normally bit on her skin was yet to blow, she didn't have any use for the coat she had brought along then, draping it on her arm,she walked on.
  Her face suddenly turned red, she knew it wasn't because of the cold, she was rarely feeling it, but the figure that now approached her, Lee cho, her next door neighbor, the man of  Li Fei's dreams,to her he was most the most handsome man on earth, his brown hair looked more crusted under the moonlight, his brown skin like caramel shone even more in the night, his dimpled round face spread into a smile on seeing her and he waved from where he was, she waved back,smiling as well, she knew that even though he was always nice and friendly to her their associations and relationship ended in neighbourliness and at the least acquaintances, they had never crossed the limits of acquaintanceship to opt for friendship, not that she hadn't tried, of course she had, once or twice, but his polite resistance and nonchalance had driven her out of her delusion, she was now quite content with being close to him only as that neighbor who brought him his own share of all the delicious homemade deserts and cakes her mom made. Turning away from his retreating figure a cheerful grin spread across her face as she approached home.
She frowned as she realized she wasn't perceiving the lovely aroma that emitted from the kitchen whenever her mother was making dinner, just the smell of dust, sighing at the thought of having biscuits and warm milk for the third time this week she inserted her spare key and walked in.
Everything in the living room made her feel very comfortable, she felt a sense of peace wash over her. Home.
      I wonder why grandma's incense isn't scenting as usual,did she change it? Li fei muttered to herself, flinging her bag unto the two seater sofa she lazily limped towards the kitchen.
  Li fei, is that you?. A masculine voice called accompanied by slow and steady footsteps   descending the stairs.
   Li... Oh child, you look horrible,why didn't you go shower first before having dinner.
     Good evening daddy, I just wanted to have some cookies before going to bed.
     Glaring into the cookie bowl,Mr Feng frowned, his grandchildren had eaten up almost all the cookies in the bowl, they barely left anything tangible enough to serve for anyone's dinner, not to talk of Li Fei,who had always had a big appetite, two to three pieces of cookies just wouldn't do.
      Fei... He called.
Hmmm.  She muffled, her mouth stuffed with cookies.
    How about you go freshen up, while I get I make you a bowl of rice and some shrimp sauce, you like that right?.
    No  thanks daddy,I'm full. She responded setting the bowl aside.
    Nonsense,I'm sure you barely had any good food to eat over there, probably just apples and chips, you should flush out all that junk food with some homemade food.
           It's fine daddy,I wasn't really hungry to begin with, just wanted to make sure I didn't go to bed on an empty stomach, I'll be off to bed now, goodnight daddy.  Mr Feng shivered slightly as he felt her lips brush on his cheek, Li Fei felt cold, worry set in as he watched her ascend the stairs,her bag strapped across her shoulder, poor girl has been working all day long,she must have been under the Aircon all day, he had tried many times to convince her that he could cater for her expenses,but Li Fei who had always wanted a life of independence just wouldn't budge.



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