Chapter Eight

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  Setting her more comfortably unto the back seat, he reached out to the steering wheel, struggling with the cab driver he maneuvered it towards another direction.
     If you keep struggling with me, we will get into a fatal accident, and the girl will end up dying, and we both know where a soul like her's is going to end up. The cab driver cackled, inflicting injuries unto his opponent.
    Somehow he managed to step on the cars brake, causing it to run abruptly into a Large mahogany tree, enveloping the girl in his arms against  hurting herself, he was intrigued to realize that she was still fast asleep, contemplating if the dibbuk hadn't really cast a spell on her, he winced on feeling a stinging pain tear through his back, wiping the dibbuk away it tore through the car dropping unto the hard ground in pain.
     No more playing around now mister, now it's time for the real deal. The cab driver driver yelled, wailing  in excruciating pain while his bone shifted and adjusted metamorphosing into another being, not giving him the chance to fully transform, the man rushed towards the cab driver driving his long nails into his throat, he knew if he had let him complete his transformation, the battle would have been an endless one, dibbuks were less powerful when they still possessed the human body, but once they began to tear free from the human they possessed, their power intensified greatly, and defeating them was a lot tougher.
    Say hello to your master for me.
  You traitor. The cab driver yelled, breathing his last.
   Letting the dibbuk flump down, he towards the cab, locking eyes with the girl now awake, he frowned realizing she was awake, she had seen it, she had seen him kill it, he could literally smell the fear and terror emitting from her, her mouth thrown agape, but no words came out.
      Get ready she's running towards you. He said, standing still on the same spot while watching her run.
     Where in the woods could she be. Samuel yelled, steering the car forward.
     She's following the moonlight, make sure you catch her. He commanded, picking up the dibbuks corpse before any nosey human would see it, they would begin to bring up inexistent theories to satisfy their curiosity.
     Everything was going just fine until that God for....
   No cursing Samuel. The lady sitting next to him interjected, her attention focused on a wooden piece across her fingers.
   I know, but that ...
   Hush, she's close. Waving her long blonde hair behind her ears she said stroking the wooden sculpture.

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