Chapter Twenty Two

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     Shall we have a public search part instead, if I'd make things a lot easier for us. Arian suggested to the stressed and downcast Dorcas, he himself seemed quite stressed out as well, having searched over thirty rooms on the first floor. Pressing her red lips together she leaned with her hands on the table, she let the warm breeze sweep through her short wavy onyx hair, her closed eyes revealed fine age lines covered in mascara.
    And what do you think people will say when they figure out that she has gone missing, they will ask why,they will begun to murmur and whisper, and  need I remind you Arian that she is to be kept hidden for now, pray the workers and spies of the dark one we have in here do not find her first. She said, her voice in a whisper even though there were alone in the room.
    How are we sure someone hasn't taken her already, for all we know, she could be on the other side of this mansion,who knows. His tone demure and mindful, reaching for his ever dropping silver hair, running his hands through it, he slicked it backwards, pouting his rosy wet lips in deep thoughts.
    We cannot afford such thoughts are this fragile moments, this mansion is very huge Arian, someone who isn't familiar with this walls and it's crannies will not be able to find their way around easily, especially not from the room where we had kept her. Dorcas emphasized hopefully, pacing around the room.
    I'd take her a few days to find her way out alone, and a few hours if she has someone to help. Arian reasoned.
    We still need to search to make sure, I'm sure she's still in this mansion, but searching so vigorously will arouse suspicion, I don't want the hunters and celestials asking questions just yet. She emphazised strongly, fiddling with her hands. Drained with worry.
Arian stood up from the arm chair he had been sitting on, walking towards the cold fireplace, he reached for a piece of broken wood and stared at it, they exchanged eye contact as if communicating with their eyes.
     Sitting by the window, the seer scrolled away on his phone, seemingly quite intrigued at what was displayed, tossing the phone aside, he balanced more in his chair, admiring the beautiful garden view,blooming  flowers of all varieties and colours, climbing from the grounds, to the stakes, to the lake that flowed outside the gates of the mansion. Sighing, he walked towards the window, throwing it open, he inhaled deeply the sweet fragrance of fresh water earth and flowers.
   When was the last time we held a celebration here. Arian enquired, fiddling with his pen, while circling his desk.
  It's been quite a while Celestial Arian, the last time we held a celebration was during the inauguration of celestial Helena.
  That was a few years ago, so no celebrations since then?. Arian enquired further, sitting on the desk. Dorcas sitting on the chair eloquently, staring at them as they spoke.
     I think it's time the Eden had another reason for celebration

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