Chapter Twenty Three

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   The huge banquet hall was decorated with mouth watering delicacies, large tables at diverse corners holding huge slabs of meat and wine seated on golden plaited trays, the linen white table cloth added a touch of purity, surprisingly unstained by all the food on it, the immense clanking of cups and glasses echoing in the air. The air filled with the soothing sound of music, enchanting the celestials, everyone looking all powdered up for the occasion.
     Long black wavy hair swaying by the winds from the giant cathedral windows, long white dress trailing behind her, her beautiful pointed chin cutting through the air with pride,her red lips spreading out into a smile,using her eyes, she acknowledged Arian, his long white hands twirling his glass of wine.
   Lucia. He greeted, approaching her.
  Arian. She responded, siping some wine.
    looking as astonishing as always. He acknowledged, staring at her.
As do you. She acknowledged respectfully, her ears burning red
   You shouldn't stare so much, you might bore a hole in her head with you continuous gaze. Samuel said whispering into Helena's ear. Her long  blonde hair curled allover her face, bright red lipstick smodered on her thin lips, black mascara lining her big brown eyes, the touch of red blush giving her the look of a hot pixie. Siping from her wine glass, she turned her deadly glares towards Samuel.
   Not her, him, I wish I could I could wipe that dirty smirk off of his face. She retorted, taking a sip of air from her empty glass.
     And wipe those red rosy cheeks off Lucia's, I don't think you would, she looks so happy to be with him, you can just tell. He added, filling her wine glass.
  Of course she does. She retorted, gulping down the wine in one go, tapping Samuel on the shoulder, she walked away her beautiful flowing  sundress swaying as she moved into the crowd of celestials.
    Walking into the huge dining room, the seer admired the beauty of it all. He marvelled in his heart at how beautifully and immensely everything had become since he was last here, adjusting his simple flannel t-shirt he walked on in his double sized trousers with brown hair curled like noodles almost giving off the impression of a jerk.
   Addressing the crowd, Dorcas stood in the middle of the hall, , fully clad in a long silky jacket and a pair of palazzo jumpsuit, her hair slicked backwards with a matching scarf, bright purple lipstick adorned her lips.
   May the good lord be praised,two days ago as I'm sure we are all aware,we were almost taken off guard by the devil's, conflicted with how to defeat them we became distraught  by the children of the dark having invaded the cities, it wasn't the first time they had planned an attack like that, but it was  unexpected, we were taken by surprise by their devilish and conniving ways, but since of course as  we all know, we have the one true living God on your side, and yet again by His grace and mercies we conquered them and drove them back to their rat holes.
    We owe our thanks to our brave men and women who have always risked their lives trying to protect humanity, and for those that had risked their life's in the battle giving glory to God, I believe they are  now in God's holy  kingdom where they shall have live for all eternity,sitting among his angels and the twenty four elders.Her big black eyes scouting the hall as she spoke. Tonight we do not hold this celebration to mourn our dead, but to celebrate their eternal life and to glorify the name of God, the name of our lord and personal saviour. Her voice hitched on seeing the seer roaming through the dining, seemingly quite intrigued by the varieties of food while drinking some wine.

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