Chapter Fourteen

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    Girl... Oh forgive my sudden intrusion, were you two in the middle of something. Dorcas enquired barging into the room, while Li Fei snatched her hands away from his chest.
    Not really, Fei Fei here and I were just chatting, I was already on my way out. He said, easing himself off the chair, he made his way towards the door.
   Actually, I wanted to discuss something quite important with you.
  Outside. She beckoned, signalling towards Li Fei. I'll be right back. She added as she shut the door.
     Have you told her yet. She whispered.
    I haven't, I was about to until you barged in dearie.
    You were in there for a considerable amount of time, what were you doing, smooching.
   Maybe... I let her call her family for a while, she seemed to miss them quite a lot.
    Hmmm, did she say anything to them.
  No she didn't, she's a smart girl.
   The seer is here... She blurted.
        His presence isn't really needed right now, Dorcas. He frowned.
   I thought it would be best if we didn't stall this for very long.
    But we haven't told her yet...
She doesn't have much time Ari, delay is fatal right now.
     The sound of a crashing vase behind the door startled them.
    I will be should talk to her, but don't take too long... smooching. She teased, striding away.
     I have to go in now. Li Fei plunged towards the bed sitting down awkwardly on it.
    Li Fei...
  I can use a blanket.
I was going to suggest a steam bath but whatever, there's something you have to know.
      Time for what. She blurted.
   Hmmm, so you were eavesdropping then, I always knew this door wasn't thick enough. He sighed.
   Are you going to tell me already.
Li are dead. Li Fei could swear that the sharp and serious expression he wore could cut through a wall of steel, wondering how she could be dead and still operate like a normal human being, she smirked.
   That's random, you seem quite happy at the thought of being dead, mind you it's not the vampire kind.
    Food for thought mister, dead people don't breathe, they don't eat, and they don't talk, then how can I be dead.
    You're dead Fei, but you're soul hasn't departed completely, it's diminishing slowly, and if we don't do anything about it, you are going to die.
   Oh no, am I really going to die, but I haven't even seen half of the world yet, I wanted to travel to Egypt, I wanted to be a millionaire before I died and make my parents lives better, oh I'm ruined, I'm finished, I shall not even live to see my grand children or children. She cried beating her chest and collapsing unto the floor.
  It's not too late though, we can help you. Arian added, quite perplexed on how to react to her wailings.
    I have accepted my fate kind sir, I shall live the rest of my days, praying and giving offerings at the temple.
   You don't have to do all that,there is still a way to help you out, come on. He volunteered helping her up

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