Chapter Twenty Six

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   I brought you something to eat. Samuel said squatting next to Li Fei on the ground in the dark shabby scattered room, opening up the packages before her. Her shaky hands reached for the hot bread,she was too hungry and exhausted to contemplate if she could trust him, if the bread wasn't drugged, and he probably wanted to take advantage of her. Biting into it, she drowned in the delight of the hot pork sandwich, moaning as she ate.
   I also brought you some wine. He volunteered stretching a bottle towards her.
    I don't drink. She muffled, in-between chewing and swallowing her sandwich.
    You don't?.  His tone indicating that he was rather amazed that she didn't. He found it strange that a girl her age in this generation "doesn't drink".
  Well I guess it's a good thing I brought some water then. He smirked, handing her a bottle.
     Thank you. She responded, siping some water from the bottle. The sound of music and laughter from downstairs echoing in the room.
    Come here girl... come here girl. Arian called, scooping up his dog from behind the curtain, letting it leap out his hands once again, it hopped eagerly towards the wooden chest.
    Don't bother kimorra, I already checked there, I guess he didn't have anything to do with her disappearance afterall. Arian called rushing towards his insistent dog who kept barking at the empty chest.
   Tossing the lid open once again he stared at the bitch. Look, there's nothing there. He snarled, hoping the others had some luck by now.
   Bed sheets being thrown from top to bottom. Cupboards and chests flown wide open. Couches and beds turned upside down in several rooms. Lights from the chandelier illuminating in the Greek god angel painting, wings spread out from all corners. Several hands diving into huge bathtubs. Curtains being shoved aside.
   What's happening outside, are they having a party. Li Fei enquired, the pandemonium from the party increasing.
     No. It's a celebration... We had gone to battle against the children of the dark a few days ago, and we were successful, but it was what you would call a prrhyic victory, we lost a good number of our celestial hunters and some of us sustained lifelong scars... He paused to stare at her, realizing the look of confusion on her face he scooted closer to her, looking her eye. to eye.
    They haven't told you anything have they. His voice shallow.
   Silence. Heavy breaths.
  Why did you want to runaway Li Fei.
Silence. Her frail hands reaching out for what lay in the darkness behind her.
    I'm the only one that can help you, and I don't think I can if you don't let me in on what's  going on, I can't help you if I don't trust you girl.
      I just want to go home...I don't know why they have brought me here, I don't think they are just ordinary kidnappers, they haven't asked for a ransom yet, every morning they have people escort to the bath, afterwards I am served some food, and checked up on, they won't say anything to me, I can't even call anyone to come to my resue because I don't even know where I am. She cried.
    li Fei we are not bad people, we bring in people with special gifts.
  Against their will...
  No, maybe at first, but we train them to use their God given gifts to His glory.
     By killing them. She blurted.
    No. Did they try to kill you Li Fei. Is that why you resolved to run away...
    Yes, I've heard them talking about it a lot of times, they spoke about giving me to someone they called...the seer.
    The seer...  He echoed, shock written on his face. Is that all they talked about Li Fei. He rushed.
    They talked about a certain ritual, but they soon switched into a language that I couldn't decipher. Li Fei added. Samuel's face looked drenched of colour at this. Stay quietly, I'll be back. Samuel said.
    Please help me get out of here. Li Fei pleaded grasping his hand.
   I'll help you as soon as I can, but for now you must stay quietly, until I can pull my fingers around what is happening. Waiting to know if he would hear any noise, he pushed open the door exiting the room.

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