Chapter 1

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A week later, a portal shimmered, and a figure stepped out, looking haggard and drained. Cale, with his keen eyesight, spotted him first.

          "It's Rile," he called out to the rest of the group gathered around the tents.

          "Is he alone?" Gabe jumped up to get a better look.

          "Looks like it," Cale replied.

          Zeta, who had joined Gabe, shook her head in relief before disappearing behind the tents. The sound of her muffled voice could still be heard. Rile trudged wearily down to the camp and Cale met him halfway.

          "Are you injured?" Cale asked with concern etched into his features.

          "Nothing that requires stitches," Rile responded with a faint smile, trying to brush off his brother's worry. "But thanks."

          "Uncle Rile! Uncle Rile!" The excited voices of children filled the air as they came running towards their beloved uncle: all part of Zeta's plan. They surrounded Rile, clinging onto his arms, legs, and back in a frenzy of affection. Rile picked up the smallest one who was begging to be held, lifting them up into his tired arms. He settled down by the warm fire and let the little ones bombard him with eager questions.

          "Please, Uncle Rile, tell us a story," begged Cala, the youngest of Cale's children. She sat in Rile's lap, her small fingers twirling through the laces on his tunic.

          "Where did you go on your journey?" asked another child eagerly.

          Gideon, the oldest of Gabe's sons, leaned forward with curious eyes. "What was your mission?"

          Caleb, the middle child of the family, piped up with excitement. "Did you find Aunt Alex?"

          "You know we're not supposed to ask about her, stupid," Rale scolded.

          Rile gently rebuked his nephew. "Don't call your brother stupid. You'll regret it one day. I speak from experience."

          The children fell silent, their attention captured by the sadness in their uncle's eyes. They watched him intently, waiting for him to begin the tale of his journey.

          "Tell us about Aunt Alex," a middle child asked in a respectful tone.

          "She's beautiful, unlike anything you've ever seen before." Rile warmed to the topic. "She has this hair that was like the finest threads, all different shades of gold, bronze, and brown..."

          "Not that! Tell us about how she used to fight," Rale demanded.

          "Wait until you see her fight. She took lessons from Rake," Rile stopped at the appropriate gasp from the children. "She was the first female he ever taught."

          "Tell us that story," several voices pleaded.

          Rile leaned in close to the wide-eyed children, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Let me tell you a story about Rake, back when he was even scarier than he is now. This was before he united with Raba, and still held a deep hatred for all females." The crackling fire added an eerie glow to Rile's face as he began his tale.

"Alex was injured in battle," Rile continued. "Gabe noticed that her swordsmanship needed improvement, so he approached Rake and asked him to give her lessons."

Gideon's eyes widened in disbelief. "Dad, did you actually do that?"

The younger nephew, Rafe, chimed in with equal shock. "Uncle Gabe, really?"

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