CH 11

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With each step, Selam Alex's frustration grew and radiated off of her in waves. Her males cringed at the intensity of her emotions as they watched her pace.

"What kind of poison is it?" Rile's voice broke through the tense silence.

The healer's response was quick and emotionless. "Nerve toxin. It will gradually shut down the nerves throughout his body. First, he will feel cold, then his heart will begin to beat erratically--"

Selam Alex held up a hand, cutting him off before he could continue with any further grim details. But Rile didn't hesitate to chime in.

"Use a general charge on him," he suggested.

Selam Alex turned to him, her expression full of doubt and mistrust. "How would knocking him out help him?"

Rile snapped his fingers, as if trying to convey his point more clearly. "You wouldn't knock him out completely. Just use enough power to isolate the stimulating wavelength and ramp up slowly."

The room fell silent once again as Selam Alex considered his idea. She tapped her fingers impatiently against her hip, her mind practically visible as racing with possibilities.

"I don't know how to do that." Selam Alex bit her lip and frustration flared in her eyes. She took Hem's hand, and since he didn't flinch, she rubbed it. "Can you help me? Help him?" she added quickly.

"I will always help you." His heart clenched at her desperate plea. He prayed she was a quick learner, not wanting to synchronize with this horrible version of Alex. "But you'll have to practice on me first," he added with a grimace. "Unfortunately for both of us."

Looking around the room, Rile spotted no chairs and only a large bed in the corner. "We'll have to sit on the floor," he told her with a resigned sigh.

Kir expertly stoked the fire, coaxing it to life with practiced hands. He then gently guided Hem to sit next to the flickering flames and motioned for the other males to gather around, forming a protective ring of warmth.

The rest of the harem watched Selam Alex and Rile with bated breath, their gazes darting back and forth between the two. As Selam Alex's hands glowed with a soft light, like sparkling embers, Rile offered gentle encouragement and advice to her, who was visibly struggling with something. The dancing light cast shadows on their faces, adding an air of mystery to this intimate moment. And even though the light would sometimes flicker and fade, Selam Alex never gave up, her determination shining through each time she tried again.

Both Selam Alex's and Rile's expressions softened from annoyance to intense focus as they immersed themselves in their work. Rile, usually quick to react with outbursts, was surprisingly calm and even offered words of comfort to soothe Alex's frustrations.

Then, a wave of emotion passed over both of them, causing them both visible pain. However, while Rile seemed to understand the source of this pain, it left Selam Alex looking bewildered. Rile leaned in close and whispered something in her ear, his words so soft that even the eavesdropping harem members couldn't make them out. Whatever he said had a profound effect on Selam Alex, who now wore a look of deep misery on her face.

"Mistress," Kir pleaded, his voice quivering with concern. "You must try something. Hem is barely conscious.'

Rile nodded, his eye-ridges furrowed with worry, but he seemed content to remain seated until Selam Alex tugged on his arm.

"I need you to tell me what I'm doing," Selam Alex said urgently, her hands hovering over Rile and Hem's bodies. "One hand on you, one hand on Hem."

Rile limited himself to words of encouragement and gentle guidance as Selam Alex worked her magic. Slowly, Hem's complexion improved, and he regained coherence.

"I'm sorry, mistress," were the first words out of Hem's mouth.

"What are you sorry for?" Selam Alex asked in surprise. "Being poisoned?"

"I'm sorry this is hurting you so much," Hem said apologetically. "Somehow, I can feel your suffering."

A pained expression crossed Rile's face at Hem's words. Now he was synchronized to both of them, sharing their pain and struggles. Just perfect.

"Don't be silly," Selam Alex scoffed, to mask her discomfort. "It doesn't hurt me a bit."

"You are healing me," Hem said earnestly, looking at Selam Alex with utter confidence and devotion.

For once, Selam Alex couldn't meet his gaze without looking uneasy. Rile saw a glimmer of hope for her after all in that moment.


Once Hem stabilized and everyone bedded down together to sleep, Rile made his way to Razz's office. However, before he could reach his destination, Zilik intercepted him. With a stern expression, he handed Rile a drink.

"Double strong Tail-banger," Zilik announced, thrusting it into Rile's hand. "Drink it all. You can sleep in the vice-president's private quarters tonight. She has important matters to attend to elsewhere."

Rile hesitated for a moment, knowing how potent the drink could be, but then decided that anything was better than spending another night with the Anolis harem. He downed the drink in one gulp and felt its fiery warmth spread through his body as he followed Zilik to the luxurious quarters. As he settled into the plush bed, surrounded by comfortable furnishings and soothing scents, Rile couldn't help but feel grateful for Zilik's intervention.



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