CH. 2

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As the night finally settled into silence, a blood-curdling scream pierced the air. The sound echoed off the trees and seemed to linger, as if it didn't want to be forgotten. Cale was the first to react, bursting into the guest tent at the sound of Rile's cry. Gabe  and Zeta's brothers scrambled to their feet and stood guard outside, ready for any potential ambush.

Rile was huddled in the corner, his face buried in his hands. "It's gone! It's gone!" he wailed, his voice raw with grief.

Cale rushed to his brother's side, frantically looking around the tent for what could possibly be missing. But everything seemed to be in its place – Rile's sword, staff, and dagger were all still present. As Cale tried to pry Rile's hands away from his face, he noticed that his brother was holding onto his arm and repeating himself over and over again.

"Let me see," Cale pleaded, finally freeing Rile's hand from his grasp. And then he saw it – or rather, the absence of it. The golden tattoo that had adorned Rile's arm just hours ago was now gone. Cale didn't need to ask any further; he knew exactly what had happened.

"I'm sorry, brother," Cale whispered, placing a comforting hand on Rile's shoulder.

"She died without me. She died alone," Rile mourned, his voice trembling with sorrow and regret. The loss of the tattoo symbolized not only the death of Alex, but also Rile's inability to protect her in her final moments.

"She did not die alone." The Portal Guardian's voice was different. Not crashing, not shattering, but a mournful metallic tone, a bass tolling bell. So different that it belonged to a different being. There was only a column of cobalt blue light this time.

Rile snatched his sword, ready to defend against any potential threats. Cale followed suit, drawing his own weapon.

"Gabe! In here! This could be an attack of a higher kind!" Cale called out.

The tent flaps were thrown open in emergency mode, revealing the occupants inside. Gabe and Zeta's brothers stood at the ready, swords drawn in defense.

"I am not your enemy," the deep voice spoke again. "The Portal Guardian that you knew was murdered by The Adversary while aiding your teammate Alex. I am the new Portal Guardian. Your Alex passed away with Galen and Gabe at her side, protected by Portal Guardian's last breath. Alex donated her heart to her counterpart so that she may live longer. Now both Alex and the old Portal Guardian are safe with the Creator of All for eternity."

Rile's voice was a demanding growl. "Take me to that timeline. I want to see her." His fists clenched at his sides, his body pulsing with urgency.

"No, you do not. That is Galen and Gabe's curse. Remember her like this." The Portal Guardian's light cast an ethereal glow on the scene before them.

A photograph floated gently to the ground. It was a photograph that Alex and Rile had taken at an old-time photo studio in New Orleans. Rile was dressed as a suave gambler, complete with cards and a winning smile.

Alex was costumed as a southern belle, her dress flowing around her in graceful waves. Rile remembered how she had grumbled at the costume, wanting to be a cowboy instead, but afterwards she treasured that photo.

"Please, give me back my band," Rile's voice cracked with desperation.

The Portal Guardian's light flickered as he spoke. "Why? You are released now."

"No! The old Portal Guardian said it signified love stronger than death. Please! I can't stand all the female vultures descending on me, wanting to unite to me. I can't," Rile's voice broke as he dropped his sword and fell to his knees before the column of light.

"Please, Portal Guardian, it's true." Cale added his own desperate plea for his brother.

The Portal Guardian's shape shifted into a vague humanoid form as he waved a hand. "Very well, I will do better." Two rings appeared on Rile's arm in a burst of light. "This shows that you will be reunited with Alex. None should bother you now."

Privately, Cale thought there were some females that nothing would stop from pursuing Rile, but he could see that the new Portal Guardian was doing his best to protect his brother.

Gabe placed a comforting hand on Rile's shoulder. "I'll send for the high priest Kaneb. We'll hold a funeral service for Alex when he arrives."

By first light, news of what had happened was spreading throughout the entire camp, quickly making its way to all the other clans. The story would be told and retold for generations.


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